IAEA chief to visit Russia’s Kursk nuclear power plant on Tuesday

Глава МАГАТЭ во вторник посетит Курскую атомную электростанцию в России

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Chief Rafael Grossi spoke to reporters in Vienna following his official visit to Iran. IAEA chief to visit Kursk nuclear power plant in Russia on Tuesday Peace and Security

The safety and security of all nuclear power plants is the primary concern of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi in a statement on his visit to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant in Russia.

Increased Military Activity Near Nuclear Power Plants

“Given the seriousness of the situation, I am personally leading the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the Russian Federation,” the statement, published on Monday, said. 

According to Grossi, in connection with the latest events and the increase in military activity in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant, the IAEA is closely monitoring what is happening. It is extremely important, the head of the IAEA notes, that the agency’s representatives have the opportunity to fulfill their responsibilities to ensure nuclear safety, and this requires the direct presence of experts at the facility.

Independent assessment

“It is also important that when the international community requires an independent assessment of the safety and security of a nuclear facility, we could provide it,” Grossi emphasized. – The IAEA can verify information only when we have the opportunity to independently assess what is happening.”

The situation is constantly changing

He once again reminded that the safety of nuclear facilities should not be compromised under any circumstances. “The situation is constantly changing,” he noted. Therefore, the IAEA chief is convinced, it is extremely important to sort it out on the spot and discuss the conditions for further activities “that may be required to assess the nuclear and physical safety conditions at the Kursk nuclear power plant.”

NPP Safety in Conflict

It is also extremely important, Grossi added, to comply with the seven conditions of nuclear safety during armed conflict and the five specific principles established for the protection of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, but applicable to any nuclear power plant.


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