UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East: the threat of regional escalation remains

Спецкоординатор ООН по Ближнему Востоку: угроза региональной эскалации сохраняется

The war in Gaza has left an estimated 40 million tons of debris. UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East: Risk of Regional Escalation Remains Peace and Security

More than 40,000 Palestinians and more than 1,600 Israelis and foreigners have been killed in the ten-month Gaza war, which was launched in response to Hamas attacks on Israel. 109 Israelis are still being held in Gaza. The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East has called on Security Council members to seek a ceasefire and the return of hostages to avoid further escalation.

Fighting Continues

Thor Wennesland drew attention to the fact that people continue to die in Gaza, and that Israeli airstrikes on schools and mosques sheltering displaced people, the “senseless destruction of civilian infrastructure” and repeated evacuation orders are making the situation worse. At the same time, Hamas and other groups continue to shell populated areas in Israel.

The war in Gaza, he continued, threatens a serious regional escalation, and millions of local residents could be drawn into the conflict.

Humanitarian operations at risk

Despite enormous difficulties, UN agencies and humanitarian organizations continue to deliver aid to the Strip using all available routes, the rapporteur said. He warned that in connection with the these operations are under threat from the continuation of military actions.

Destruction in Gaza

Touching on the destruction in Gaza, Thor Wennesland stressed that economic recovery “will take years, if not decades.” He cited staggering statistics – an estimated 40 million tons of debris have been created as a result of the war.

In addition, according to him, the UN is doing everything possible to support the operation of vital services, including water and sanitation systems, and is providing assistance in the fight against the spread of dangerous infections, including polio.

The situation in the West Bank

An alarming situation is also developing in the West Bank, which Wennesland called a “powder keg of violence and tension.”

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Israeli security forces continue to carry out large-scale operations in Area A, including against Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other armed groups in densely populated refugee camps and Palestinian urban centers. These operations often result in shootouts in which civilians are harmed.

Attacks on Israelis

Attacks by Palestinian militants against Israelis continue in the West Bank and Israel. As a recent example, the UN envoy cited the attempted terrorist attack in Tel Aviv on August 19, for which Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in Palestine claimed responsibility.

Tipping Point

He warned that events in the Middle East had reached a “tipping point” and that peace in the region could only be maintained by ending the fire in Gaza and releasing the hostages. In this context, Wennesland praised the efforts of the countries mediating the negotiations.

“The vicious circle of despair”

“The only way out of the vicious circle of despair is a political solution that ends the occupation and leads to a two-State solution – Israel and an independent, democratic, viable and sovereign Palestinian state, living side by side in peace and security within secure and recognized pre-1967 borders,” the UN Special Coordinator concluded his speech, adding that Jerusalem should be the capital of both states.


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