The UN special rapporteur will continue to support the people of Afghanistan, despite the Taliban ban on entry into the country

Спецдокладчик ООН продолжит поддерживать народ Афганистана, несмотря на запрет талибов на въезд в страну

UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the country Richard Bennett. UN Special Rapporteur to continue to support people of Afghanistan despite Taliban ban on entry Human Rights

Commenting on public statements by the de facto authorities that he would not be allowed to enter Afghanistan, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the country, Richard Bennett, said it was a “step backwards” and a “worrying signal” for the UN and the international community.

The Special Rapporteur called on the Taliban to reverse their decision. According to Bennett, his duty is to critically assess the human rights situation in Afghanistan, and he is always ready to make concrete recommendations and offer his assistance in their implementation. “Where there are differences of opinion, constructive dialogue is the answer,” the human rights activist noted.

“As a UN-appointed independent expert, I take my responsibilities very seriously,” he said. Thus, Bennett emphasized independence and impartiality, as well as effectiveness, competence and integrity as the main principles of his work.

The Special Rapporteur noted that despite the Taliban’s decision, he will continue to engage with the people of Afghanistan inside and outside the country, as well as with other stakeholders. “I will also continue to document human rights violations and abuses and advocate for improvement,” Bennett emphasized. At the same time, according to the UN expert, he has not visited the country for more than a year.

“I remain committed to the people of Afghanistan,” he concluded his statement.

Read also:

Afghanistan: UN expert calls for use of international criminal system to combat oppression of women in the country

Special Rapporteurs are part of the so-called Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures experts serve on a pro bono basis; they are not UN employees and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent of any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.


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