The first trucks with humanitarian aid arrived in Sudan from Chad through the newly opened Adre crossing

Первые грузовики с гумпомощью прибыли в Судан из Чада через вновь открывшийся переход Адре

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid crossed the border between Chad and Sudan through the Adré crossing. The first trucks with humanitarian aid arrived in Sudan from Chad through the newly opened Adre crossing Humanitarian aid

On Wednesday, trucks carrying UN food aid crossed the border between Chad and Sudan for the first time since February through the Adre crossing. Sudanese authorities decided to open it several days ago. This will significantly facilitate the delivery of humanitarian supplies. Previously, humanitarian organizations had to use alternative routes for several months. 

“In just a few days after the border opened, we have mobilized food aid for the Darfur region. “People at risk of starvation will receive vital assistance,” the UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on its X platform page.

In a country torn apart by internal conflict, with many areas engulfed in fighting between warring parties, this route across the border from Chad is crucial for delivering humanitarian aid to those in need.

According to the UN, nearly 26 million people in Sudan are facing starvation. The situation is particularly dire in the Zamzam camp in North Darfur, where about half a million people are at risk of starvation. According to Doctors Without Borders, a child dies in the camp every two hours.

Yet only 37 percent of the funds needed to help the Sudanese this year have been provided to date. The UN calls on donors to allocate the requested funds in full.


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