Breastfeeding Caravan in Moldova debunks myths and helps families

«Караван грудного вскармливания» в Молдове развенчивает мифы и помогает семьям

Breastfeeding Caravan Promotes the Benefits of Breastfeeding in Moldova Breastfeeding Caravan in Moldova Debunks Myths and Helps Families Women

Every year, from August 1 to 7, World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated around the world, including in the Republic of Moldova. As part of a nationwide initiative to empower mothers and protect babies, the Breastfeeding Caravan travels across the country. This project, with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO), promotes the benefits of breastfeeding among all residents of the various regions of Moldova.

This year, the Caravan will travel from the northern city of Balti to the south to Cantemir and Leova, as well as to the capital Chisinau. Along the way, informational events will be organized with the participation of pregnant women, mothers, family members, health workers and government representatives.

“I am very grateful for this opportunity to learn more from experts about the benefits of breastfeeding and vaccinations, and to talk to other mothers about these topics,” said Olga Matei, a resident of Balti, who came to the Breastfeeding Caravan events to prepare for childbirth.

“Together we debunked most of the myths associated with breastfeeding and nutrition for mothers, which was a very useful activity for me,” she added.

Immediate benefits

WHO emphasizes that breastfeeding provides the best start in life for any newborn, positively affecting the health of both the infant and the mother. Children who were breastfed are less likely to be overweight or obese and are less susceptible to diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases later in life. Women who breastfeed have a lower risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

Breastfeeding not only brings direct benefits, but also has a positive impact on many aspects of life in the country, including helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. For example, it contributes to better health (SDG 3), gender equality (SDG 5) and the reduction of inequalities in general (SDG 10). By empowering women and promoting their financial independence, breastfeeding also contributes to inclusive and sustainable economic growth (SDG 8) and other global goals.

Support – anytime, anywhere

Despite the proven benefits, less than half of infants under 6 months of age worldwide are exclusively breastfed. The WHO European Region has one of the lowest rates of any region, at just 13 percent.

Read also:

Almost half of the world’s infants under 6 months of age are exclusively breastfed

“With rates so low in our region, it is vital to encourage open discussions about breastfeeding. Projects like the Breastfeeding Caravan bring together families, communities, health workers and decision-makers to normalise and promote breastfeeding. They are working to ensure that breastfeeding women are supported at all times and in all places, no matter where they live and work,” said WHO specialist Claire Farrand.

Heartfelt Meetings

During the Caravan events, participants can listen to information sessions on the benefits of breastfeeding and vaccination, get advice from health workers, and dispel common misconceptions.

“But first and foremost, Caravan is a heartfelt meeting with mothers and expectant mothers in our community,” said nurse Galina Bostan. –  I am pleased to see my colleagues and their commitment to supporting breastfeeding, and to learn more about the exclusivity and continuation of breastfeeding of newborns and infants, maternal nutrition, and routine childhood immunizations.”

Policy and Action

The Breastfeeding Caravan also advocates for more effective policies to integrate breastfeeding. This includes passing laws to extend paid maternity leave, implementing the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes to regulate the marketing practices of breast-milk substitutes and related products, and implementing the WHO 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.

As the Caravan travels around the country, it initiates important conversations, debunks myths, and catalyzes action. This initiative serves as a link between health workers and the community to expand support for families.


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