World Youth Skills Day: 600 million jobs needed in next 15 years

Всемирный день навыков молодежи: в ближайшие 15 лет необходимо создать 600 миллионов рабочих мест

Young activists at a meeting with the head of the UN. World Youth Skills Day: 600 million jobs needed in next 15 years Sustainable Development Goals

Nearly a quarter of the world’s youth are uneducated, unemployed or untrained, and the rate is more than twice as high for girls as for boys. This is stated in a statement by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the occasion of World Youth Skills Day, which is celebrated on July 15.

The education funding gap in low- and middle-income countries is a “whopping” $100 billion a year, he said.

By The UN estimates that without additional measures, 300 million students will lack basic literacy and math skills by 2030, and only one in six countries will achieve the goal of universal secondary education.

The share of youth not in employment, education or training rose to 23.3 percent in 2020, the highest level in at least 15 years. At the same time, according to the UN, by 2030 the number of youth in the world will increase by more than 78 million people. Almost half of this increase occurred in low-income countries. Education and training systems, as well as labor markets, must be ready to respond to this challenge, the UN warns. It is estimated that 600 million jobs will need to be created over the next 15 years to meet the employment needs of youth.

The theme of World Youth Skills Day 2024 is “Youth Skills for Peace and development”. It highlights the important role that young people play in peacebuilding and conflict resolution.

“Around the world, young people are already working to create safer and more resilient communities,” the UN chief said. –  The results of their work for our shared future can be even more visible if they can, among other things, acquire the skills required for the emerging green and digital economy and receive education that will help them break the vicious cycle of hate speech and disinformation, and also tools to promote mediation and dialogue.” 

According to Education Cannot Wait Foundation executive director Yasmine Sherif, the key will be to teach skills that& nbsp;21st century, and it should start from kindergarten and continue until university. In addition, a comprehensive education process should include school meals, vocational training, catch-up classes, and psychosocial support. This is necessary in order to equip today’s youth with the skills necessary to thrive in a changing world, Sherif emphasized.

“Our investment in today’s youth is a contribution to peace and sustainable development . This is an investment in human rights and human dignity. This is an investment in ending chaos, conflict and crisis,” she said.

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