June 2024 was the hottest on record

Июнь 2024 года стал самым жарким за всю историю наблюдений

Even at current levels of global warming, devastating climate effects are already being seen. June 2024 was the hottest on record Climate and Environment

The past June was the hottest on record on the planet and the 13th month in a row in which a monthly temperature record was set, according to new data published by the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. For the 12th month in a row, the average global temperature has been 1.5°C higher than in the pre-industrial era.

The average sea surface temperature in June was 20.85°C, which is also the highest value for the entire observation period.

“The latest Copernicus data unfortunately highlights that we will exceed the 1.5°C level every month. However, it is important to emphasize that a temporary exceedance does not mean that the goal [to limit warming below pre-industrial levels] is forever lost, since in this case we are talking about long-term warming for at least two decades,” said the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO ) Celeste Saulo.

Under the Paris Agreement, countries agreed to keep the Earth’s long-term average global surface temperature below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to work to limit it to 1.5°C by the end of this century. The scientific community has repeatedly warned that warming of more than 1.5°C could lead to severe climate change impacts and extreme weather, and every fraction of a degree of warming matters.

Extreme Events

Even at current levels of global warming, devastating climate impacts are already being observed. These include extreme heat waves, precipitation and droughts, loss of ice cover, sea ice and glaciers, accelerating sea level rise and ocean warming.

“Many countries experienced widespread and prolonged heat waves in June, which had a serious impact on all aspects of people’s lives,” said Celeste Saulo. “This was before the traditional peak of summer in the northern hemisphere, when more intense periods of extreme heat will be observed.” EU. It regularly publishes monthly climate bulletins.

“Even if the current streak of extreme events ever ends, we will see new records as the climate continues to warm. This is inevitable unless we stop releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and oceans,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service.

Temperature Highlights

Temperatures in June were above average in southeastern Europe and Turkey, and around or below average in Western Europe, Iceland and northwestern Russia average.

Outside of Europe, temperatures were above average in eastern Canada, the western United States and Mexico, Brazil, northern Siberia, the Middle East, North Africa and western Antarctica.

Precipitation Highlights

June 2024 was wetter than usual over Iceland, central and much of southwestern Europe, and heavy rainfall led to flooding in Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland.

In Ireland, much of Great Britain, southern Italy and Drier than average conditions were also observed in North America, parts of Asia, and most of South America. Severe forest fires occurred in northeastern Russia and central South America.

Decreased sea ice extent

Arctic sea ice extent was three percent below average, close to levels observed since 2010.

Antarctic sea ice extent was 12 percent below average, which is the second lowest figure for June in the entire history of satellite observations.


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