Road safety: UN experts have proposed a solution to the problem of “unintentional pressing of the gas”

Дорожная безопасность: эксперты ООН предложили решение проблемы «непреднамеренного нажатия на газ»

UN experts have developed measures to prevent unexpected and unintentional pressing of the accelerator pedal. Road safety: UN experts have proposed a solution to the problem of “unintentional pressing of the gas” Economic development

Have you ever mixed up the pedals while driving a car and pressed the gas instead of the brake? This happens more often than you think, and often causes a serious accident. On Thursday, UN experts announced that they had found a solution to the problem.

UN experts working on innovative vehicle technologies have collaborated with car manufacturers and governments to develop measures to prevent unexpected, unintentional pressing of the accelerator pedal. Technology that “sees” objects in front of and behind the vehicle will help drivers avoid mistakes.

Older drivers

Statistics coming from Asia and Europe indicate that older drivers are more likely to make this dangerous mistake. In Japan, for example, older people are eight times more likely to confuse their pedals than other generations. Therefore, it was Tokyo that took the initiative to develop a new UN regulation to solve the problem.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the UN agency responsible for road safety worldwide, warns that the problem of unintentional accelerator pedal accidents could become even more acute in the coming years as the number of people over 65 is set to double by mid-century. In Japan, for example, the number of drivers over 75 is projected to rise from four percent in 2009 to nine percent in 2025.

The rise in sales of cars with automatic transmissions is another factor exacerbating the problem of accidents caused by pedal accidents. According to UK figures, seven out of eight such accidents occur in cars with automatic transmissions. Therefore, the new UN regulations will only apply to such cars. They will come into force in June 2025, but will not be mandatory.

Brake system

Experts of the UN Working Group, meeting in Geneva, also approved a new, safer and greener braking system for electric cars.

Unlike the braking systems in cars with internal combustion engines, whose pneumatics or hydraulics rely on energy converted from fossil fuels, electric vehicles operate less efficiently. Experts have studied the issue and adopted a new braking technology that uses stored electrical energy, providing an adequate level of safety.

The new rules apply to both light and heavy vehicles and are expected to come into force in June 2025. “Some manufacturers are expected to introduce new braking systems in line with the proposed provisions by the end of 2025,” the UNECE said.


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