UN Secretary General: “Lebanon must not become another Gaza”

Генсек ООН: «Ливан не должен стать еще одной Газой»

The UN Secretary General at a press conference in New York. UN Secretary General: “Lebanon must not become another Gaza” Peace and Security

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his “deep concern” on Friday about the escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah along the Blue Line in Lebanon. He stated this while speaking to reporters at the UN headquarters in New York.  

Risk of conflict expansion

Guterres made this statement in connection with the shootings in the Blue Line area and the escalation of belligerent rhetoric on both sides, indicating that in his words, about the possibility of a “full-scale war.”

“The risk of expanding conflict in the Middle East is real,” he warned, adding that everything must be done to avoid such a scenario.  

“One reckless step “,” the UN chief continued, “one miscalculation could trigger a catastrophe that goes far beyond the border and, frankly, goes beyond what we can imagine.” According to him, “Lebanon cannot be allowed to become another Gaza.”  

Many people have already died

Many people have already died on both sides of the Blue Line, tens of thousands have been forced to leave their homes, Guterres recalled. 

He also drew attention to the environmental consequences of such incidents – explosions lead to forest fires, people are forced to move from their places, and the environment suffers. 

An additional threat to the population in Israel and Lebanon, as well as to UN personnel, is posed by unexploded ordnance and other remnants of war.  

“The parties must urgently reaffirm our commitment to full implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 and immediately return to a cessation of hostilities,” the UN chief concluded his message. He called for the protection of civilians and allowing displaced people to return to their homes. 

Resolution 1701

Let us recall that resolution 1701 was adopted on August 11, 2006. It put an end to the war that was unfolding on Lebanese territory between Israel and the Hezbollah group. The resolution emphasizes “the need to urgently address the causes that led to the crisis,” including by ensuring government authority throughout Lebanon. 

UN Interim Force in Lebanon

The UN Security Council established the Interim Force in Lebanon by resolutions in March 1978. The mission’s mandate was expanded by resolution 1701 after the 2006 war. The UN Interim Force is monitoring compliance with the cessation of hostilities in the Blue Line area and seeking to reduce tensions.

Ceasefire in Gaza  &nbsp ;

In his speech on Friday, the Secretary General also emphasized that the UN continues to insist on an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the immediate and unconditional release of hostages and calls for paving the way for a solution creation of two states.


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