Top Stories of the Day | Thursday: Gaza, Cybersecurity, Climate, Refugees

Главные новости дня | четверг: Газа, кибербезопасность, климат, беженцы

Illicit activities in cyberspace are on the rise, both from state and non-state actors, as well as from outright criminals. Top news of the day | Thursday: Gaza, cybersecurity, climate, refugees UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: scorching heat and acute food shortages in Gaza, the amount of payments associated with extortion on the Internet has reached $1.1 billion, 80 percent of the world’s inhabitants are in favor of more active climate action, World Refugee Day.

Difficult conditions in Gaza

Gaza’s most vulnerable residents struggle survive in conditions of stifling heat, heavy fighting, spreading disease, anarchy and a shortage of basic necessities. UN humanitarian agencies warned about this on Thursday. Meanwhile, the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) estimates that only about 65,000 people remain in Rafah. The UN World Food Program expressed deep concern that people forced to leave their homes are huddled in a limited area “in the scorching heat of summer.” In addition, the UN warns that more than half of the enclave’s arable land and hundreds of agricultural structures have been damaged.


Last year, online extortion settlements totaled $1.1 billion. The UN Secretary-General announced this on Thursday, speaking at a Security Council meeting on combating cybercrime. According to the Secretary General, the danger of using digital technologies as a weapon is growing every year. The Future Summit, to be held in September this year, will provide an opportunity to strengthen cooperation in solving critical global problems, the UN chief said. The pact that will be developed as a result of the summit will give the international community a critical chance to support global peace and security in cyberspace.

Fighting climate change crisis

The largest climate change poll in history finds that 80 percent of people around the world want their governments to take more action to combat the climate crisis . Even more, 86 percent, want countries to put aside their differences and work together on climate change. The survey showed that in the twenty largest countries responsible for the lion’s share of greenhouse gas emissions, the majority of residents are in favor of strengthening climate action. In addition, the majority of people in the world – 72 percent – favor a rapid transition away from fossil fuels.

Refugee Day

Record numbers of people are being forced to flee their homes due to conflict, climate chaos and disruption. This was stated by the UN Secretary-General in his message on the occasion of World Refugee Day, which is celebrated on June 20. According to the UN chief, more than 120 million people around the world have been forced to leave their homes, of which 43.5 million are refugees who have fled their countries. He called on the international community to commit to helping refugees and ultimately to resolving conflicts so that people forced from their homelands can return home. 


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