UN human rights office: Israeli strikes in Gaza ‘consistently violate’ the laws and customs of war

Управление ООН по правам человека: израильские удары в Газе «постоянно нарушают» законы и обычаи войны

Gazans are “barely surviving” after they were repeatedly forced to flee by violence and evacuation orders. UN human rights office: Israeli strikes in Gaza ‘consistently violate’ the laws and customs of war Peace and Security

The Israeli military’s use of extremely powerful bombs and the perceived lack of distinction between combatants and civilians in Gaza result in persistent violations of the laws and customs of war. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk stated this on Wednesday.

This conclusion was based on an investigation by the United Nations Office of Human Rights (OHCHR) into six attacks which, according to OHCHR, demonstrate typical Israeli tactics in the war, including alleged bomb attacks weighing up to 2,000 pounds (920 kg) on ​​residential buildings, a school , refugee camps and the market.

These munitions are approximately 3.4 meters long along with their smaller versions from October 9 to December 2, 2023 years resulted in 218 confirmed deaths, OHCHR noted, adding that the true death toll is likely much higher. choosing means and methods of warfare that avoid or at least minimize harm to civilians appears to be consistently violated during Israeli bombing,” said Volker Türk.

Scale of defeats

His office’s report quotes the IDF as saying on November 11, 2023, that the air force “struck more than 5,000 targets to eliminate threats in real time” since the bombing of Gaza began a month earlier. By then, enclave health authorities reported 11,078 dead, 2,700 missing, and some 27,490 injured.

Detailing the strikes in the Al-Shuja area of ​​Gaza City, the report’s authors noted that the affected area was about 130 meters, resulting in the destruction of 15 buildings. The extent of damage to buildings and craters indicates that approximately nine 2,000-pound GBU-31 bombs were used, OHCHR noted, adding that at least 60 people were killed.

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“Israel’s Choice of Methods and means of warfare in Gaza since October 7, including the widespread use of wide-area explosive weapons in densely populated areas, have not effectively differentiated between civilians and militants,” the report states.

“Civilian life and infrastructure are protected under international humanitarian law. The law sets out very clear obligations of parties to armed conflicts, which prioritize the protection of civilians,” OHCHR emphasized.

Sounds of War

Meanwhile, people in Gaza are now forced to take refuge amid “unimaginable” destruction, said Ajit Sungai, head of the OHCHR office in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Speaking to reporters via video link from Amman after returning from an assessment mission in the enclave, Sungai said Gazans were “barely surviving” after being forced to flee repeatedly due to violence and evacuation orders.

“The hospitals are overcrowded and the smell is unbearable… Sewage seeps into the tents, there is no clean water… If the bombs don’t kill people, diseases will,” Sungai, who visited Khan Younis, Rafah and Deir El, described the situation -Balakhe.

“The roar of bombs, weapons, and operating drones can be heard constantly,” he added. – The sounds of war do not stop day or night. In my 22 years of work at the UN, including in many conflict and post-conflict situations, I have never encountered such challenges for the UN and partners in the field of human rights and humanitarian assistance. The destruction is unimaginable.”

“You will get hell”

The report also highlights that Palestinian armed groups continue to conduct indiscriminate attacks on Israel. This is contrary to their obligations under international humanitarian law, says the OHCHR investigation.

UN agency spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani warned that Israeli military commanders did not appear to have changed their tactics in Gaza to spare civilians in accordance with the laws and customs of war. Shamdasani also referred to statements by senior Israeli officials, including a military official previously quoted as saying, “You wanted hell, you will get hell.”

“The types of weapons that were used, the means and the manner in which they were used, coupled with some of the statements you heard from Israeli officials, raise very serious concerns about respect for international humanitarian law,” the OHCHR spokeswoman said.

Crime Investigation

Shamdasani also emphasized the need to independent investigation into the attacks described in the report to determine whether they constitute war crimes and to bring those responsible to justice

“As time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult to conduct an investigation,” she said. “First and foremost, we call on the Israeli authorities to take steps to ensure a proper, transparent investigation. In the absence of this, and with continued impunity, international action in this regard will be necessary.”


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