On World Oceans Day, the UN calls on humanity to “reach new depths”

Во Всемирный день океанов ООН призывает человечество «достичь новых глубин»

.The oceans cover more than 70 percent of the territory of our planet. On World Oceans Day, the UN calls on humanity to “reach new depths” Climate and Environment

On June 8, the UN celebrates World Oceans Day, designed to draw attention to the need to protect the world’s oceans. Paradoxically, humanity, whose survival depends entirely on the well-being of ocean ecosystems, is today the main and worst enemy of the ocean, mindlessly destroying its resources.

Man and the ocean lived in peace for many millennia. The lack of technology did not allow people to plunder the wealth of the sea on the current industrial scale, and very little was known about what lay beneath the water.  

History of the study of the World Ocean

The outlines of oceans, continents, archipelagos and individual islands were studied for the first time during the era of great geographical discoveries (XV-XVIII centuries). Ferdinand Magellan’s circumnavigation of the world and James Cook’s expeditions allowed Europeans to gain an understanding of the gigantic expanses of water surrounding the continents. At the same time, the first reliable maps of the world were created. However, the depths of the ocean remained extremely poorly studied – until the 19th century, ideas about how far from the surface the bottom of the World Ocean was located were very vague. 

Intensive study of the ocean depths began in the second half of the 20th century. But even today only 20 percent of the ocean floor is mapped. UNESCO promises that by 2030 this figure will be increased to 80 percent. 


The oceans cover more than 70 percent of the territory of our planet. It produces about half of all oxygen and is home to much of the Earth’s biodiversity. Water resources are the main source of protein for more than a billion people on the planet. 

The world’s oceans play a key role in the global economy. It is estimated that by 2030, ocean-related industries will employ 40 million people. The ocean economy generates more than $1.5 trillion annually.

Finding balance

The ocean is in dire need of human support right now . With 90 percent of large fish populations depleted and half of all coral reefs destroyed, we’re taking more from the ocean than it can replace. 

Coastal regions, home to 40 percent of the world’s population and 12 of the world’s 15 largest cities, are now facing new challenges. Areas with abundant access to water, beautiful landscapes and significant economic potential are under pressure from intensive human activity and the triple planetary crisis of pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change, leaving only 15 percent of coastlines in their natural state. 

It is now clear that humanity must work together to develop a new approach to maintaining balance in its relationship with the ocean. Ocean ecosystems are critical to achieving the UN Global Biodiversity Framework and all of the Sustainable Development Goals. The ocean absorbs more than 90 percent of excess heat and 30 percent of anthropogenic CO2 emissions.

“Reach New Depths”

The theme of this year’s World Oceans Day is  Awaken New Depths. Only humanity can save the ocean. The current attitude towards the ocean needs to change, since up to now, with the arsenal of tools available to us, we have not been able to come close to solving its problems. To give a powerful impetus to efforts to save the ocean, we need to reach new depths.

This year, on June 7, the United Nations will organize a celebration of World Oceans Day at the UN Headquarters in New York. The annual event is produced by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of ​​the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs in partnership with the non-profit organization Oceanic Global.


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