WHO member states agree on next steps to reach agreement on pandemics

Государства-члены ВОЗ договорились о дальнейших действиях по заключению соглашения по пандемиям

In December 2021, governments began the process of developing the world’s first treaty to prevent a recurrence of the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO member states agree on next steps to reach agreement on pandemics Healthcare

Delegates to the World Health Assembly on Wednesday recognized the progress made over the past two years by member states in developing a treaty on pandemics and strengthening the International Health Regulations (IHR).

Governments meeting in Geneva for the 77th Session of the Assembly are negotiating measures to improve capacity to better prevent and respond to future pandemics around the world.

WHO Member States have agreed to continue working during the World Health Assembly, which ends on 1 June, to finalize a package of amendments to the latest edition of the IHR and agree on the timing, format and process of concluding a treaty aimed at pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

During the session, delegates praised the extensive work that has been done since governments began the process of developing the world’s first agreement to prevent a recurrence of the global impact of the coronavirus pandemic in December 2021 “>COVID-19.

WHO Member States reiterated that the world needs such a treaty, based on the principles of justice and sovereignty, for prevention, preparedness and response to protect future generations from the imminent threats of pandemics.

On Wednesday, Assembly delegates also considered another agenda item, which covers the work done to agree on amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005, taking into account lessons learned from the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Member States emphasized that updated and stricter health regulations are critical to ensuring global health security.

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