Top news of the day | Monday: Ukraine, Israel-Gaza, weapons in space

Главные новости дня | понедельник: Украина, Израиль-Газа, оружие в космосе

Boys on the beach in Rafah, Gaza, April 2024. Top news of the day | Monday: Ukraine, Israel-Gaza, weapons in space UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: civilian casualties in Ukraine, arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders,  The Security Council did not accept the resolution proposed by the Russian Federation on the non-placement of weapons in space, Rafah 810 thousand people left.

The situation in Ukraine 

Last weekend, the escalation of hostilities in the Kharkov region of Ukraine led to “numerous civilian casualties.” This was reported by the UN press service with reference to humanitarian workers on the ground. Victims included children, first responders and medical personnel. Meanwhile, strikes in the east and south of the country over the weekend also resulted in numerous casualties and damage to homes and civilian infrastructure. Humanitarian organizations have registered nearly 8,500 people at a transit center in Kharkiv, where people are receiving assistance including food, clothing, hygiene items and medical services. Humanitarian workers, according to the UN press service, are also providing support in other areas of Ukraine affected by the fighting.      &nbsp ;

International Criminal Court  

International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan asked the ICC to issue an arrest warrant for the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant, as well as three leaders of the Palestinian group Hamas. They are accused of committing war crimes during the attack on Israel and the Israeli forces’ response to the Gaza Strip. The ICC prosecutor vowed to continue investigations into events during and after the October 7 attacks, including new allegations of sexual violence during Hamas-led attacks, as well as the large-scale bombing of Gaza, “which continues to result in the death, injury and suffering of large numbers of civilians.” persons.”

Russian Federation resolution on weapons in space

The UN Security Council was unable to adopt a draft resolution proposed by Russia, which demanded “urgent measures to be taken to permanently prevent the deployment of weapons in outer space, the use of force or threats of force in outer space, from space in relation to the Earth, and also from the Earth in relation to objects in space.” The document was supported by only seven countries, seven voted against and one abstained. On April 24, the Russian Federation voted against a draft resolution on the non-placement of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction in outer space. The document was proposed by the United States and Japan. 

Humanitarian assistance in Gaza

At least 810,000 people have fled Rafah in just two weeks, UN humanitarian agencies said on Monday. People are abandoning their belongings and fleeing for safety, but as the UN Agency for Palestinian Affairs (UNRWA) notes, there are no safe places in the Gaza Strip. Due to the escalation of fighting in eastern Rafah, the delivery of aid to the sector through the Rafah and Kerem Shalom checkpoints has almost completely ceased, UNRWA noted. On Sunday, no UN humanitarian aid arrived in the enclave, and on Saturday only 27 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered Kerem Shalom.


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