ICC prosecutor requests arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders

Прокурор МУС запросил ордера на арест Нетаньяху и лидеров ХАМАС

International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan speaks at a meeting of the UN Security Council. ICC prosecutor requests arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders International Law

International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan has asked the ICC to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant, and three leaders of the Palestinian group Hamas. They are accused of committing war crimes during the Hamas attack on Israel and the Israeli response to the Gaza Strip.

“There are reasonable grounds to believe,” the prosecutor said in a statement, that Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab al-Masri and Ismail Haniya are criminally responsible for the murders and hostage-taking. In addition, the statement said, there are sufficient grounds to believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant are guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity “committed on the territory of the State of Palestine.” These include the use of starvation as a method of warfare, deliberate attacks on civilians, and the extermination of civilians.

Events of October 7

Karim Khan noted that his department interviewed victims and victims of the terrorist attacks carried out in Israel on October 7 under the leadership of Hamas. Among those interviewed were former hostages and eyewitnesses of the tragic events. By their actions, including personal visits to the hostages shortly after their abduction, they admitted responsibility for these crimes,” the prosecutor said. 

Turning to the issue of hostages reportedly still being held in Gaza, Karim Khan noted that interviews with victims and survivors, as well as other sources, indicate that the captives were held in inhumane conditions, and some were subjected to sexual violence. violence.

“I want to thank the survivors and families of the victims of the October 7 attacks for their courage in bringing their testimony to my office,” the prosecutor said. “We remain committed to further investigation of all crimes committed during these attacks and will continue to work with all partners to ensure that justice is served.”

Crimes against humanity& ;nbsp;

Moving on to the question of the responsibility of senior Israeli officials, the ICC prosecutor accused them of “using starvation as a method of warfare.” These and other crimes against humanity are alleged to have been committed “as part of a widespread and systematic” campaign aimed at exterminating the Palestinian civilian population and “in accordance with [Israel’s] public policy.”

Karim Khan stated that there was documentary evidence from survivors and eyewitnesses of the events, authentic video, photographic and audio materials and satellite imagery indicating that “Israel deliberately and systematically deprived the civilian population in all parts of Gaza of everything necessary for survival.” .

Blocking help

Detailing the effects of the blockade imposed by Israel on Gaza after October 8, 2023, the ICC explained in a request to the judges that it included the complete closure of all three border crossings “for extended periods, followed by arbitrary restrictions on the transfer of basic necessities – including food and medicine through border crossings once they reopen.”

Among other hardships, the Israeli blockade cut off water and electricity supplies to Gaza. In addition, aid workers have been attacked and killed, forcing many agencies and NGOs to cease or limit their activities in Gaza.

Violations of the ICC Statute 

Karim Khan noted that Israel has the right to self-defense under international law, but “intentionally causing death, starvation, great suffering” to the civilian population is a clear violation of the fundamental ICC Statute signed in Rome in 2002. Israel, unlike Palestine, did not sign the Rome Statute.

“I have consistently emphasized that international humanitarian law requires Israel to take urgent action to immediately provide widespread access to humanitarian assistance in Gaza,” the ICC prosecutor said. – Starvation as a method of warfare and denial of humanitarian aid are crimes under the Rome Statute.”

“No one is above the law”

The ICC prosecutor vowed to continue “multiple and interconnected additional investigations” into crimes committed during and after the events of October 7. These include new allegations of sexual violence during Hamas-led terrorist attacks, as well as the large-scale bombing of Gaza, “which has resulted and continues to result in the death, injury and suffering of large numbers of civilians.”

“Today we once again emphasize that international law and the laws of armed conflict apply to everyone. No soldier, no commander, no civilian leader – no one – is above the law and can act with impunity,” said Karim Khan.

ICC prosecutor said, that his office would “not hesitate” to file new applications for arrest warrants if the court deems it necessary.

Read also:

The Rules of War: What You Need to Know About International Humanitarian Law?


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