The International Court of Justice on Friday heard Israel’s response to the claim brought by South Africa

Международный суд ООН в пятницу заслушал ответ Израиля по иску, предъявленному ЮАР

Hall of the International Court of Justice in The Hague The International Court of Justice on Friday heard Israel’s response to the claim brought by South Africa International Law

May 10 South Africa, which previously accused Israel of violating the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide, requested the International Court of Justice to introduce interim measures aimed, in particular, at ensuring that Israel immediately cease its military operations in Rafah . 

Appearing before the Court today, Gilad Naom, a member of the team representing Israel in the trial, rebutted South Africa’s claims as a “shameless exploitation” of the Genocide Convention. “For the fourth time in less than five months, South Africa has presented the Court with a picture that is divorced from reality,” he noted. 

According to him, Israel is involved in a “difficult and tragic” armed conflict against its will, and South Africa is ignoring this fact, which is necessary for understanding the situation. “Facts matter and truth should matter. Words must retain their meaning. Just because we call something genocide over and over again does not make it genocide,” he added.

Международный суд ООН в пятницу заслушал ответ Израиля по иску, предъявленному ЮАР

Naom said that Israel did not start this war, recalling the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian groups, which killed 1,200 people and another 254 women, men and children – were taken hostage.

He added that Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza continue to attack Israel, destroying homes and infrastructure. Moreover, according to the speaker, Hamas continues to use Palestinian civilians as human shields. Hamas cannot be questioned. This is an inalienable right granted to Israel, as to any other state

“Rafah, in particular, is the center of ongoing terrorist activity,”  he said, noting that Hamas operates a “sophisticated infrastructure of underground tunnels” with command and control posts, military equipment and may have used them to smuggle Israeli hostages out of Gaza. Gilad Naom drew attention to the fact that, despite the order of the International Court of Justice, Israeli hostages still remain in captivity.

“The reality is that any state put in a position , in which Israel finds itself, will do the same [what Israel is doing],” he said. – The right of the state to protect itself from brutal attacks by the terrorist organization Hamas cannot be questioned. This is an inalienable right granted to Israel, like any other state.” 

The representative of Israel stated that his country is doing everything to protect civilians which Hamas is endangering. That is why, he continued, the Israeli military is not launching a major offensive on Rafah, instead using targeted operations, preceded by evacuation efforts and supporting humanitarian efforts.

Concluding his remarks, Naomh referred to the fact that the Court had rejected previous requests from South Africa for similar provisional measures, and added that it would be “entirely inappropriate” to order provisional measures in the current circumstances.

“ South Africa has not provided sufficient reasons for the Court to reverse its previous decisions,” he added, stressing that Israel is participating fully and sincerely in the proceedings “despite the outrageous and defamatory claims made against it.”


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