UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Denise Brown condemned the strikes on Kherson

Гуманитарный координатор ООН в Украине Дениз Браун осудила удары по Херсону

A school in Kharkov, destroyed by shelling (archive, February 2024). UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Denise Brown condemned the strikes on Kherson Peace and Security

“More tragic news came today, this time from Kherson, where dozens of civilians, including two children, were injured by shelling,” Denise Brown said in a statement. “In this already war-ravaged city, residential buildings and an educational institution were again damaged.” 

The attack came the day after the UN humanitarian coordinator returned from Kharkov, where she saw “the horrifying consequences of intense attacks by the Russian Armed Forces on thousands of people who were forced to flee for their lives, leaving behind everything they had.” . Many of them are older people who fear they will never be able to return, Denise Brown added.    

“The humanitarian community is working tirelessly to support people in the face of this tragedy,” the UN humanitarian coordinator said. – International humanitarian law must be respected. It is necessary to ensure the safety of civilians, homes, schools and hospitals. They should not serve as targets.”


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