Extraordinary session of the General Assembly: Palestine received more rights in the UN, but not full membership

Чрезвычайная сессия Генассамблеи: Палестина получила больше прав в ООН, но не полноправное членство

The UN General Assembly votes on a draft resolution proposed by the UAE. Extraordinary session of the General Assembly: Palestine received more rights in the UN, but not full membership International Law

On Friday, the UN General Assembly met in an emergency session on the situation in the Middle East, in particular in connection with the “illegal actions of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories.” During the meeting, delegates adopted a resolution proposed by the United Arab Emirates on Palestine’s membership in the UN. 

The document expands the rights of the State of Palestine in the General Assembly, but does not give it the right to vote or nominate itself for membership in the organs of the United Nations.

General Assembly, According to the Charter, it cannot grant the status of a full member of the UN – this requires a recommendation from the Security Council. The Council, we recall, at its April meeting was unable to make such a recommendation due to the US veto. 

In the resolution adopted today, the General Assembly notes that the State of Palestine qualifies for membership and recommends that the Security Council “reconsider the matter positively.”

Read also:

US vetoed draft resolution on Palestinian membership in the UN

On the Status of Palestine at the UN

In 2012, the General Assembly decided to grant Palestine observer state status at the United Nations as a non-member of the United Nations. Before 2012 Palestine had only “observer” status in the General Assembly, but not as a state.

The new resolution adopted on Friday provides, among other things, the right of the State of Palestine to be included in the list of speakers on agenda items unrelated to Palestinian and Middle East issues, the right to make statements on behalf of any group, and to make proposals and amendments to documentation. These provisions will come into force from the next, 79th session, which will open on September 10, 2024.

The resolution was supported by 143 countries, nine voted against and 25 delegations abstained. & nbsp;

By adopting the document, the General Assembly reaffirmed the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including their right to their independent State of Palestine. The document calls for renewed efforts to end the Israeli occupation that began in 1967. The GA delegates also reaffirmed “their unwavering support for the two-state solution of Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security within recognized borders based on pre-1967 borders.”

Facts from history 

The last state to join the United Nations was South Sudan (in 2011). The Security Council recommended that the General Assembly admit the Republic of South Sudan to membership in the United Nations, and South Sudan became the 193rd member of the world organization.

Before South Sudan, Montenegro became the 192nd state -member of the UN on June 28, 2006, just a few weeks after independence.


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