UNRWA East Jerusalem office temporarily closed due to arson

Из-за поджога временно закрыт офис БАПОР в Восточном Иерусалиме

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini UNRWA East Jerusalem office temporarily closed due to arson International Law

The head of the United Nations Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) ordered the temporary closure of UNRWA headquarters in occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday in response to an arson attack that followed weeks of protests.

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini wrote on social media that on Thursday evening “Israeli residents set fire twice” to the complex while UNRWA and other UN agencies were on site. He said it was “the second horrific incident in less than a week.”

“An outrageous incident”

Although no UNRWA staff were injured, the fire caused significant damage to the complex, the head of UNRWA said, recalling that there is a gas station on the premises to service the agency’s fleet of vehicles.

He added that the crowd, accompanied by armed men, chanted calls to “burn down the United Nations.”

“This is an outrageous development,” he said. “Once again, the lives of UN staff are under serious threat.” 

The protest turned violent

According to Lazzarini, he decided to close the complex “until adequate security can be restored.” 

Over the past two months, Israeli extremists have been conducting protests outside the UNRWA building in Jerusalem, “called by a member of the Jerusalem municipality.” into the complex buildings “in full view of the Israeli police.”

Intimidation and vandalism

“In recent months, UN staff have regularly were subjected to harassment and intimidation. The complex was heavily vandalized and damaged. On several occasions, Israeli extremists have threatened our staff with weapons,” Lazzarini said. ;nbsp;

“I call on everyone who can influence the situation to put an end to these attacks and bring all those responsible to justice,” he said. “These attacks must be investigated and those responsible must be brought to justice. Otherwise, a new dangerous precedent will be set.”


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