At a forum in New York they discuss how AI, the fight against climate change and social development are connected

На форуме в Нью-Йорке обсуждают как связаны ИИ, борьба с изменением климата и социальное развитие

The rapidly growing capabilities of artificial intelligence can play a vital role in socio-economic development. At a forum in New York they discuss how AI, the fight against climate change and social development are connected Climate and Environment

Today technology is developing at a very fast pace, but technological progress will not be automatically equitable. However, the rapidly growing capabilities of artificial intelligence, if channeled in the right direction, can play a vital role in socio-economic development.

Paula Narvaez, President of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), announced this on Thursday in New York at the 9th Multilateral Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). nbsp;

She noted that the fight against climate change, efforts to regulate and effectively use AI and work aimed at achieving the SDGs are interconnected processes and must go hand in hand. 

The forum, bringing together government, private sector, and academia, focuses on harnessing the transformative power of science and technology, most notably artificial intelligence, to address the most pressing challenges of our time.

“We must clearly define ways to fully harness the potential of science, technology and innovation for sustainable development. And find ways to use these tools equitably, at scale and at unprecedented speed to confront our shared challenges,” Narvaez said.  

“It is critical that we work much more effectively – and generate the desired political will to mobilize science, to accelerate action and innovative sustainable solutions. In particular, the intensity of climate change exceeds our ability to cope, requiring urgent and coordinated action,” added General Assembly President Dennis Francis, speaking at the forum.

Read also:

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on artificial intelligence


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