The UN chief put forward concrete proposals for governments to strengthen the role of youth

Глава ООН выдвинул конкретные предложения для правительств по укреплению роли молодежи

Young activists demonstrate in support of action to combat climate change, Maldives. The UN chief put forward concrete proposals for governments to strengthen the role of youth UN

Conflicts are flaring up around the world, polarization is growing, fueled by digital disinformation, and the climate crisis is worsening. And to solve global problems, the participation of young people, their energy and determination is necessary. The head of the world organization, Antonio Guterres, stated this at the opening of the Youth Forum at the UN headquarters in New York.

“I am fully committed to involving young people in political decision-making, to not just listening to your views, but acting on them,” he told the forum.

The Secretary General recalled that the Future Summit will be held in New York in September and young people – as representatives of the future – play a vital role in preparing for this important international meeting.

“At the beginning of the summit, we are also holding a youth-led day of action to ensure your voices are heard from the beginning,” Guterres said.

He stressed that the summit should be a turning point that will give impetus to efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and strengthen the multilateral international system.

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UN chief also said that he had put forward for consideration by states a number of specific ideas to strengthen the role of youth in public and political life at all levels. These include the creation of national youth advisory bodies, the introduction of a global standard for meaningful youth participation in decision-making, and the creation of a UN Youth Caucus.

“We are also working to promote a Global Digital Compact to help build a world in which digital technologies support sustainable development, including education and jobs for young people; a world in which children and young people are safe online, benefit from digital technologies and have a say in the decisions that shape their digital lives,” said Guterres.

Sec-General recalled that last year he created a High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence, which makes recommendations on international AI governance.

He also stressed that he continues to push for Security Council reform and a fundamental overhaul of the international financial architecture.

“We must get rid of the vestiges of the past and create institutions that reflect the realities of today’s world,” the UN chief said.


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