WHO prepares Ukrainian medical institutions to respond in case of radiation danger

ВОЗ готовит медучреждения Украины к реагированию в случае радиационной опасности

75 heads and managers of medical institutions took part in seminars on radiation hazards. WHO prepares Ukrainian medical institutions to respond in case of radiation danger Peace and Security

To improve Ukraine’s healthcare system’s preparedness for potential risks, the World Health Organization (WHO) has piloted a new hospital readiness checklist for responding to radiation emergencies. This tool complements the Ukrainian hospital emergency response checklist for all hazards during war.

The document is designed to assist health care providers in assessing their capabilities to respond to “mass fatality events caused by a radiation emergency.” The checklist was implemented in four regions of Ukraine, including areas where nuclear power plants are located, as well as the Kyiv region.

“It is very important that medical facilities in high-risk areas are prepared to any potential dangers during war and remained functional in case of increased stress,” explained Emanuel Bruni, Head of the Health Emergencies Program at the WHO Country Office in Ukraine. – Measures to respond to a radiation emergency must be thought out in great detail.”

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In seminars on radiation hazards, attended by 75 medical directors and managers responsible for emergency response.

Since the outbreak of full-scale war in Ukraine in February 2022, WHO has trained more than two thousand emergency medical personnel assistance and doctors to respond to chemical spraying. Monthly training sessions on responding to radiation emergencies are facilitated by the National Research Center for Radiation Medicine.


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