UN experts urge to prevent another year of war and violence in Sudan

Эксперты ООН призвали не допустить еще одного года войны и насилия в Судане

Sudanese refugees in Chad. UN experts urge to prevent another year of war and violence in Sudan Peace and Security

Parties to the conflict in Sudan, which has been ongoing for almost a year, must commit to immediately stopping attacks on civilians and ensuring unimpeded access to humanitarian assistance. This was announced on Thursday by the UN Fact-Finding Mission in Sudan.

Since April 15, 2023, when fighting began between the Sudanese military and the armed forces of the Rapid Reaction Force, thousands of civilians have been killed. More than six million Sudanese have been internally displaced, while nearly two million have fled to neighboring countries. According to the UN, nearly 24 million people are in need of assistance, and 18 million suffer from crisis levels of malnutrition.

Violations of international law

“It is long past time to end this destructive war,” said Mohamed Chande Osman, chairman of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission to Sudan. “The warring parties must immediately put an end to all violence, in particular sexual and gender-based violence, and bring to justice those responsible for serious human rights violations.”

According to Osman, although that parties to the conflict have a legal obligation to protect civilians, the Mission is currently investigating reports of repeated attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and schools.


In addition, there are reports of attacks on humanitarian convoys and infrastructure, which is a violation of international humanitarian law. “Humanitarian organizations continue their activities despite looting and attacks on humanitarian transport, personnel and warehouses,” noted Mission expert Mona Rishmawy.

She also reported an investigation into cases of parties deliberately blocking the distribution of aid intended for civilians living in areas under enemy control.

“Parties to a conflict have an obligation to facilitate safe, free and unhindered humanitarian access to civilian populations in dire need of support,” Rishwamy emphasized.

Risk of mass famine

Experts warn of a serious risk of mass famine, especially in Darfur. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the grain harvest has almost halved since last year, and the price of grain in war-affected areas has already doubled or tripled.

Read also:

Year of war in Sudan: every Every day thousands of people flee to neighboring countries, the number of Sudanese refugees in Europe is growing

“If the rural population cannot be safe on their land, to plant crops or care for livestock, we will witness disaster,” said expert Joy Ezeilo.

The role of the international community

An international humanitarian conference for Sudan and its neighbors is due to take place in Paris on April 15. Representatives of the Fact-Finding Mission expressed hope that the meeting would help close the serious funding gap. So far, only six percent of the requested amount of $2.7 billion has been received.

Mission experts expressed regret that the warring parties in Sudan have not heeded the call of the UN Security Council cessation of hostilities for the month of Ramadan, and again strongly recommended a halt to hostilities and the start of the peace process. They also asked the international community to use their influence to achieve peace and justice in Sudan.

“The Sudanese people have suffered enough,” Osman said. “The parties to the conflict must find a path to reconciliation and ensure respect for human rights in Sudan.”


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