UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon is concerned about the escalation of firefights in the Blue Line area

Спецкоординатор ООН по Ливану обеспокоена эскалацией перестрелок в районе «голубой линии»

UN peacekeeper in southern Lebanon. UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon is concerned about the escalation of firefights in the Blue Line area Peace and Security

Today, during closed consultations, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka briefed the Security Council on the implementation of resolution 1701. She expressed concern about the escalation of firefights in the Blue Line area and stated that such repeated violations of the resolution are increasing risks of miscalculations and further deterioration of an already critical situation.

Resolution 1701

Resolution 1701 was adopted on August 11, 2006. It put an end to the war that was unfolding on Lebanese territory between Israel and the Hezbollah group. The resolution emphasizes “the need to urgently address the causes that led to the crisis,” including by ensuring government authority throughout Lebanon.

To implement the resolution, the UN Interim Force (UNIFIL) has been deployed in southern Lebanon. They monitor compliance with the cessation of hostilities in the Blue Line area and seek a reduction in tension.

The need for a political process

“Because Prevention and de-escalation are at the center of our agenda, our collective focus… must first and foremost be on persuading the parties to cease hostilities,” Vronetskaya said, adding that there was still room for diplomacy.

The Special Coordinator said that the current situation has highlighted the danger that failure to implement resolution 1701 poses for Lebanon, Israel and the region as a whole.

“It is no longer enough to return to the relative calm and stability that reigned before October 8th. A political process based on the full implementation of resolution 1701, aimed at addressing the root causes of the conflict and ensuring long-term stability, has become necessary,” she said.

Read also:

UN experts: Israeli killings of alleged terrorists in Lebanon violate international law

She emphasized the crucial role of the Lebanese Armed Forces in the implementation of resolution 1701 and called for additional international support to enable the army to fully carry out its responsibilities, including cooperation with UNIFIL.

She also confirmed the urgent need to fill the vacancy of the President of Lebanon, which would ensure the full functioning of the country’s state institutions in times of crisis.

Vronetskaya stated that the unity of the Security Council in efforts to maintain sovereignty, territorial integrity and political stability of Lebanon is also crucial.

UN Force in Lebanon is 46 years old

The UN Interim Force in Lebanon today marks the 46th anniversary of its creation. On this occasion, the mission again called on all parties to lay down their arms, recommit to resolution 1701 and work towards a political and diplomatic solution. appreciated the work of more than 10,000 peacekeepers from 49 countries who, together with their civilian counterparts, continued to monitor the situation in southern Lebanon and provide assistance to local communities despite daily firefights.

Lazaro also paid tribute to the more than 330 UNIFIL peacekeepers who have died in the line of duty over the past 46 years.

The UN Security Council established the Interim Force in Lebanon by resolutions 425 and 426 of March 19, 1978. The mission’s mandate was expanded by resolution 1701 after the 2006 war.


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