UN Secretary General: In the 21st century, about 800 women die every day during pregnancy and childbirth

Генсек ООН: в XXI веке около 800 женщин ежедневно умирают во время беременности и родов

Since 2000, maternal deaths have fallen by 34 percent. In the photo: clinic in Guatemala UN Secretary General: in the 21st century, about 800 women die every day during pregnancy and childbirth Women

In the 21st century, about 800 women die every day during pregnancy and childbirth, the vast majority of them in developing countries. These figures were given by the UN Secretary-General in his message on the occasion of World Population Day, which is celebrated on July 11. 

“This year marks thirty years since the adoption of the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), recalled António Guterres. –This year we must also adopt decision to intensify efforts and attract investment to turn its promises into reality.”

According to the UN chief, in the decades since the adoption of the Program, the international community has managed to achieve progress: more women than ever before have access to modern contraception. Since 2000, maternal deaths have fallen by 34 percent. “Women’s movements and civil society play a decisive role in bringing about change,” said António Guterres.

At the same time, he continued, progress is uneven and unsustainable character: in some places, legislative progress on such vital issues as female genital mutilation is in danger of fading away.

In conclusion of my message The Secretary-General called on countries to make the most of this year’s Future Summit to unlock available capital for sustainable development. 


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