UN experts are studying reports of possible arms supplies from the DPRK to the Russian Federation

Эксперты ООН изучают сообщения о возможных поставках вооружений из КНДР в РФ

UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu addresses the Security Council. UN experts are studying reports of possible arms supplies from the DPRK to the Russian Federation Peace and Security

A UN panel of experts is investigating reports that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has supplied conventional arms and ammunition to Russia in violation of sanctions. UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu stated this, speaking at a meeting of the Security Council on Friday.

 “In recent months there have been allegations of the transfer of ballistic missiles and ammunition from the DPRK to the Russian Federation in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions, allegedly for use in the conflict in Ukraine, which is being waged in violation of the Charter of the United Nations Nations and international law,” Nakamitsu said.

Earlier, a group of experts reviewed the Ukrainian report on the debris of short-range ballistic missiles produced in the DPRK and allegedly used by the Russian armed forces.&amp ;nbsp;

“Illegal and unregulated trade in and diversion of arms and ammunition have long been a source of serious concern to the international community,” said Izumi Nakamitsu. – In response to the risks associated with illicit and unregulated arms transfers, States have entered into a number of international, regional and bilateral arms control treaties, agreements and frameworks designed to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade and diversion of conventional weapons, regulate international arms trade and promote transparency in its supply.”

The High Representative for Disarmament Affairs recalled that the relevant Security Council resolutions are legally binding on all UN member states.

Ballistic missile launches 

North Korea continues to pursue its nuclear weapons program and develop delivery systems, Nakamitsu said. She said North Korea has significantly increased its ballistic missile launch activities in recent years, in line with a five-year military development plan unveiled in January 2021.

Since 2022, North Korea has conducted more than 100 ballistic missile launches, including solid-fuel intercontinental missiles and space launch vehicles, in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions. As recently as June 26, North Korea launched a ballistic missile that reportedly exploded shortly after liftoff. At the same time, official Pyongyang stated that the test launch of a new type of missile with multiple warheads was successful.

“Malicious” cyber activity 

“We are following with concern reports of malicious cyber activity attributed to DPRK-related entities, in particular against cryptocurrency companies,” Nakamitsu continued. “Attacks on supply chains are another trend that we have observed. Such actions increase risks to international peace and security and undermine trust and stability in relations between states.”

In conclusion of her speech, the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs reiterated the UN Secretary-General’s call on the DPRK to fully comply with its international obligations.


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