Israeli military operation forces Jenin residents to flee their homes. UN: ‘disproportionate’ use of force in West Bank violates international law International law
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is deeply concerned about the Israeli operation in the West Bank and calls the use of lethal force “unlawful.” This was stated at a briefing in Geneva on Friday by the Office’s spokesman, Tamim Al-Heitan.
“Lethal operations”
He said Israel’s “lethal” operations in recent days had raised serious concerns about “unjustified or disproportionate use of force,” including the use of methods and means developed for waging war. The Office said this was in violation of international human rights law and the norms and standards applicable to law enforcement operations.
“These methods include numerous airstrikes and apparently random shootings of unarmed civilians attempting to flee or seek refuge,” Al-Heitan said. “Israel, as the occupying power, has a responsibility to protect the population in the occupied territories.”
Civilian Casualties
As UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk has stressed, Israel must adopt and implement rules of engagement that are fully consistent with applicable human rights norms and standards. OHCHR has confirmed that at least 12 Palestinians have been killed and 40 wounded by Israeli security forces this week, most of whom were reportedly unarmed. Among the wounded were a doctor and two nurses, according to the Palestine Red Crescent.
Investigate killings
All killings in the context of law enforcement operations must be thoroughly and independently investigated and those responsible for unlawful killings brought to justice, an OHCHR spokesman said. “Israel’s continued failure to hold members of its security forces responsible for unlawful killings accountable over the years not only violates its obligations under international law, but also increases the risk of such killings occurring again,” he added.
Stop the violence
Recall that, speaking to the UN Security Council on January 20, the UN Secretary-General warned that the situation in the West Bank continues to deteriorate due to clashes, airstrikes, illegal settlement expansion and demolitions.
OHCHR called for an immediate end to the violence in the West Bank. The Office also called on all parties, including third states with influence, to do everything possible to achieve peace in the region.
The Office also reminds that the presence of settlements in the West Bank “is illegal.”