UN completes investigation into UNRWA staff

В ООН завершилось расследование в отношении сотрудников БАПОР

UNRWA, the largest humanitarian organization in Gaza, runs shelters that shelter more than a million people. UN completes investigation into UNRWA staff Peace and Security

The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) has completed its investigation into 19 staff members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) over allegations of their involvement in armed attacks carried out by Hamas on 7 October 2023 in southern Israel.

OIOS made findings regarding each of the 19 UNRWA staff members alleged to have been involved in the attacks. In one case, OIOS did not obtain any evidence to support the allegations of a staff member’s involvement, and in nine other cases, the evidence obtained was insufficient to substantiate the allegations. In these 10 cases, appropriate action will be taken in due course in accordance with UNRWA regulations and policies, OIOS said in a press release.

In the remaining nine cases, evidence obtained by OIOS indicates that UNRWA staff members may have been involved in the armed attacks of 7 October 2023. The staff members will be terminated, the statement said.

Allegations and Investigation

Following the allegations made by Israel against UNRWA in late January this year, the agency immediately suspended the staff members in question and called for a prompt and impartial investigation.

A few days later, the Secretary-General appointed an Independent Review Panel on UNRWA, headed by Catherine Colonna and including experts from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Sweden, the Michelsen Institute of Norway and the Danish Institute for Human Rights. The group published a report on the agency’s activities in late April this year.

At the same time, the UN chief ordered the Office of Internal Oversight Services to investigate Israel’s claims. OIOS investigators visited UNRWA headquarters in Jordan, traveled to Israel, and heard the position of that country’s authorities.


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