Satellite antenna near the UN building. UN agencies called to protect satellite navigation from interference Economic development ~ 60 > aviation, naval and telecommunication agencies of the UN are anxious due to an increase in the number of cases of jamming of satellite navigation systems and manipulating them with data. & Amp; nbsp; 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ The frequent cases of interference with aviation, sea and other satellite telecommunication services mean that states should urgently strengthen the protection of a critically important radio frequency range. This is stated in a joint statement by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Union of Electric National Security (ITU) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). ~ 60 > 60 > dangerous interference are expressed in the jamming of signals and falsification of satellite data, which violates the operation of global navigation systems operating in the frequency lanes allocated. for a radio navigation satellite service. ~ 60 >~ 60 > Global navigation satellite systems are groups of orbital satellites that provide positioning, navigation and synchronization of time around the world, which is extremely important for ensuring the safety of civilian aircraft, marines, vehicles Time synchronization in telecommunication networks. ~ 60 > “The work of global navigation satellite systems is crucial for our safety on land, in the air and at sea,” said the Secretary of the International Electric Security Union Dorin Bogdan-Martin. -Member states must ensure the uninterrupted operation of these systems to ensure the safety of each person, as well as for the sustainable functioning of the main services on which our life depends. “62 ~