Top news of the day | Thursday: children and conflicts, Ukraine, refugees, Sudan

Главные новости дня | четверг: дети и конфликты, Украина, беженцы, Судан

A woman at a displaced persons center in El Fasher, Darfur. Daily Top Stories | Thursday: Children and Conflict, Ukraine, Refugees, Sudan UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: an increase in the number of cases of violence against children in conflict situations, Russian shelling of a residential area in Krivoy Rog, record levels of forced displacement, a Security Council resolution on Sudan. 

Violence against children

 In 2023, rates of violence against children in armed conflict increased by 21 percent compared to the previous year. Children have been killed and maimed in numerous crisis situations, including in Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Ukraine. This is stated in the report of the UN Secretary-General released on Thursday. In Ukraine, the UN confirmed 938 cases of gross violations of the rights of 543 children in 2023 alone. In particular, 80 cases of murder and 339 cases of mutilation were identified, the responsibility for which was assigned to the Russian armed forces and associated groups. Russian forces and associated groups are included in the report’s blacklist. This year, the list of children’s rights violators also included Israeli forces and Hamas. 

Strike on Krivoy Rog

 UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Denise Brown condemned the shelling of a residential area in Krivoy Rog, which killed and injured civilians, including children, in a residential area of ​​the densely populated city. Educational institutions were also damaged, and numerous residential high-rise buildings were damaged. Aid workers on the ground are providing psychological support and materials to repair damaged housing, Brown said. 

Forced displacement

 This year and last The world has seen historically high levels of forced displacement, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said in its 2024 annual report released on Thursday. The report notes that in May 2024, the number of internally displaced people rose to 120 million. The main reason for the sharp increase in indicators is the war in Sudan, as a result of which 10.8 million people were forced to flee their homes by the end of 2023. However, Syria holds the record for the number of displaced people inside and outside the country: 13.8 million people were forcibly displaced within its borders and abroad. 

Resolution on Sudan  The UN Security Council adopted a British-proposed resolution on Sudan, demanding that the Rapid Reaction Force end the siege of El Fasher and stop the fire. Security Council members also demanded that all parties to the conflict ensure the protection of civilians and allow people to move to a safer place if they so desire. Previously, the UN has repeatedly warned that 1.8 million residents of Al-Fashir are under blockade and are at risk  hunger. The resolution was supported by 14 countries, Russia abstained. 


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