Top news of the day | Friday: Ukraine, UNRWA, Sudan, Haiti

Главные новости дня | пятница: Украина, БАПОР, Судан, Гаити

The fighting has forced millions of Sudanese to flee their homes. Top news of the day | Friday: Ukraine, UNRWA, Sudan, Haiti UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: the escalation of hostilities in the east and south of Ukraine, the head of the UN called for support for the Palestinian Relief Agency (UNRWA), negotiations between the parties to the conflict in Sudan, extension of the UN mission for Haiti, International Day against Sand and Dust Storms.

The situation in Ukraine

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported on Friday that the escalation of hostilities along the front line in eastern and southern Ukraine continues to have a negative impact on the lives of the local population. The day before, strikes in the Donetsk region, in the east of the country, led to casualties on both sides of the front line. Several houses and educational institutions were damaged. Humanitarian agencies quickly mobilized emergency support. In southern Ukraine, an interdepartmental convoy helped deliver food, hygiene items, clothing and other essentials to the frontline community of Melovoe in the Kherson region.

Fundraising for UNRWA

The UN is facing a serious funding shortfall, and Palestinians are facing a loss of everything they need to live, including recognition of their rights, UN chief Antonio Guterres said Friday while speaking at the annual fundraising conference for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Without the necessary support and funding for UNRWA, Palestinian refugees will lose their “lifeline and their last ray of hope for a better future,” the Secretary-General said. He also noted that there is currently no alternative to the UN agency.

Negotiations on Sudan

On Friday, negotiations continued in Geneva under the auspices of the UN between the parties to the conflict in Sudan. The fighting has forced millions of Sudanese from their homes and raised fears of imminent famine in the country. Representatives of the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces accepted invitations to meet with the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy for Sudan, Ramtan Lamamra. UN spokeswoman in Geneva Alessandra Vellucci confirmed that only one of the delegations attended Thursday’s initial discussions. Lamamra and his team invited both sides to continue indirect negotiations with him and his team separately.

UN Mission in Haiti

The Security Council voted on Friday to extend the mandate of the UN political mission in Haiti. According to a UN spokesman, the Secretary-General welcomed the unanimous adoption of this resolution. The UN Integrated Office in Haiti began its work in 2019 to support the country’s government in strengthening political stability and good governance, including the rule of law.


This year, the United Nations declared July 12 as the first International Day against Sand and Dust Storms. The move was aimed at raising awareness of the threats posed by these squalls and spurring international efforts to counter them. Such storms affect about 330 million people worldwide.


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