This year’s International Day of Democracy is dedicated to artificial intelligence

Международный день демократии в этом году посвящен искусственному интеллекту

Today, artificial intelligence is already being used in many areas, including agriculture and nuclear technology. This year’s International Day of Democracy is dedicated to artificial intelligence UN

Artificial intelligence is a very important tool for accelerating development. But at the same time, its use can have serious consequences for democracy, peace and stability. For example, it can become a platform for the spread of disinformation and hate speech and the creation of so-called “deepfakes”.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated this on the International Day of Democracy, which is celebrated on September 15. This year, the Day is dedicated to artificial intelligence.

However, artificial intelligence can serve as a tool to encourage and scale up full and active public participation in decision-making, as well as to ensure equality, security and human development, the Secretary-General noted.

“It can significantly increase the number of people who understand democratic processes and create a more inclusive civic space where people have a voice in decisions and can hold those who take them to account,” Guterres said. 

“To realize these opportunities, it is essential to ensure effective governance of artificial intelligence systems at all levels, including at the international level,” he added.

He recalled that the High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence, which he established, has released a report with recommendations on how to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating the risks involved. 


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