The United Nations Board Weekety Weekly Started

UN police officers in Mali. The United Nations Board Weekety Weekly Started Peace and safety The United States Weekeeping the United Nations (Yunpol) started the UN on this environment. This formation plays a key role in maintaining international peace and security: daily about nine thousand police from 94 countries support people in conflict, post -conflict and crisis situations. ~ 60 > 62 ~ Yunpol strengthens and restores security through patrolling, protection of law and order at the level of communities and other operational support. The UN police advise national police services, ensure compliance with international standards in the field of human rights, public security and supremacy of law. ~ 60 >“The specialized assistance of the police is a tool that serves to prevent conflicts, and it will help us to avoid the need for more large -scale interventions in the future,” said the UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterres. ~ 60 >~ 60 > Currently, UN police are working in 17 peacekeeping operations around the world. The United Nations has been sending policemen to participate in peacekeeping operations since 1960. The first such mission was carried out as part of the UN operation in the Congo. The number of employees of the Yunpol, who have permission to deploy in operations to maintain peace and special political missions, grew from 5840 in 1995 to about 11,000 in 2020, which reflects the increased demand for police experience. ~ 60 > 60 > UN police provides for partners from accepting states, including in Protection of the civilian population, promoting safe elections, investigating cases of sexual and gender violence, preventing and suppressing organized crime and violent extremism, as well as the assistance of environmental sustainability. The UN police also provide assistance in reforming, restructuring and the development of police services and other law enforcement agencies of the acceptance of states. 60 > all the employees of the young berets are current police officers of their countries, seconded to work in the United Nations. Since 1990, 129 countries have seconded women and male policemen to work at the UN police.


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