Meeting of the Security Council The UN supports the “fair world” for Ukraine Peace and safety number of victims among the civilian population of Ukraine continues to grow. The global consequences of the war are still felt far beyond the borders of Ukraine. With such words today, the assistant general of the Secretary General Miroslav Ench spoke at the UN Security Council. He recalled that in a week it would turn three years since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Russia, “begun in violation of the UN and International Law Charter.” The meeting dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the conclusion of the Minsk agreements was convened at the initiative of Russia. invasion was an escalation of the conflict, “which began in 2014 with attempts to illegally annexation by Russia of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol” and the military action in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the eastern of Ukraine, the UN representative said . “In this context, today’s ten -year anniversary of the resolution of the 2202 Security Council, which called for the full implementation of now invalid Minsk agreements, is the opportunity to recall past diplomatic efforts on de -escalation and peaceful resolution of the conflict. It also encourages what is happening when peacekeeping fails, ”said Yencha. ~ 60 > UN is completely committed to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its international-and recognized boundaries, he noted. ~ 60 > efforts aimed at the implementation of the Minsk agreements 60 ~/h2 > 62 > over the past ten years, he reminded the yncha, although not being directly involved, the UN consistently supported various diplomatic processes and mechanisms aimed at restoring peace and security of Ukraine. This included efforts headed by the Norman format countries and the security and cooperation organization in Europe (OSCE) within the framework of the tripartite contact group, concentrated on the implementation of the Minsk agreements of 2014 and 2015. ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~In accordance with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter, the organization shared its knowledge and experience with the OSCE and its special monitoring mission (SMM), in particular, with regard to the monitoring of the ceasefire. Encha expressed gratitude to the OSCE and SMM for cooperation. ~ 60 > as emphasized in the name of the future, regional and subregional organizations still play a significant role in diplomacy, mediation and peaceful resolution of disputes The assistant to the head of the UN emphasized. In Europe, this is especially relevant for the OSCE on the 50th anniversary of the signing of its fundamental document-Helsinki agreements, said the ~ 60 > conflict lessons in order to succeed in ensuring a fair, durable and comprehensive world, it is important to analyze the lessons of the ten years of the conflict, the assistant to the Secretary General. //p >“The General Secretary has repeatedly emphasized that any peaceful settlement should take place in the spirit of respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter, international law and resolutions of the General Assembly,” said Encha. “In the Pact about the future of the member state confirmed their commitment to promoting cooperation and mutual understanding between states to discharge tension, finding a peaceful settlement of disputes and resolving conflicts,” he said, adding that this approach should also be applied to end the war in Ukrainian territories. activation forces to terminate hostilities ~ ~ ~/h2 >The UN encourages the dialogue between all interested parties and welcomes all efforts and initiatives with the full participation of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, which will lead to the de -escalation of the conflict and soften the impact of military operations on civilians. ~ 60 > ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ The Minsk agreements showed us, emphasized that the signing of the ceasefire agreement in itself does not guarantee the termination of violence. ~ ~ 60 > “to guarantee that the conflict will not be repeated and worsened, it will be required A true political will and the understanding of its multidimensional complexity for Ukraine and the region, ”said the & nbsp; ~ 60 >“ we resume our call to all interested parties to activate His efforts to terminate hostilities. We repeat the call of the Secretary General for all countries to help prepare the ground for a fair world, ”said the assistant Secretary General. The UN is ready to support such efforts. Speech by Roger Waters ~ 60 > who performed at the Video Council of Video & nbsp; at the invitation of Russia, the co -founder of the group & nbsp; pink Floyd Rogers Waters recalled that the second was signed 10 years ago The Minsk agreements, the main goal of which was the termination of the war in the Donbass. & NBSP; Vladimir Zelensky, Waters noted, won the presidential election, promising to put an end to the armed conflict in the east of the country, but did not do this, coming to power. & nbsp; & nbsp; Wadores accused the former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson of who senten the President of Zelensky to stop the war by signing a peace agreement in Istanbul at the beginning of the war. According to him, any armed conflict could be avoided if politicians resolved controversial issues, talking to each other on the phone as “civilized people”. In this regard, the musician praised the contacts of the presidents of the United States and Russia on Ukrainian topics, as they, according to him, give the long -awaited hope of the end of the war. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 60 ~ h2 > Russia: “The chance to complete the hot phase of crisis” permanent representative Russia at the UN Vasily Nebenzya, reminded that on February 17 it turned exactly 10 years since the resolution of the resolution in support of the Minsk agreements adopted. He accused the Ukrainian authorities of disrupting these agreements, noting that today the conditions for the world will be “much worse” for Ukraine than those that were provided for then. At the same time, the Russian diplomat stated that today there were a chance of “finishing the hot phase of the Ukrainian crisis.” “We all see what processes are taking place today in the world after the republican administration came to power in the United States. As we urged over the past last months, diplomacy finally joined the game, there were a chance that the hot phase of the Ukrainian crisis could end soon, ”said Nebena. he added that “future Ukraine should be a demilitarized neutral state that is not included in any blocks and alliances.” & Amp; nbsp; Ukraine: “Do not repeat past errors ” 60 > deputy permanent representative of Ukraine to the UN, Christina Gayovishin assigned the responsibility for the disruption of the Minsk agreements, warning that” Russia will also relate to new agreements. ” “The fact that responsible states are considered as obligations that should be observed, the Russian Federation perceives as a tactical maneuver,” the Ukrainian diplomat emphasized, adding that “any agreements with the Kremlin should include coercion mechanisms and preventive measures.” according to her, “weak agreements will only lead to an even larger war.” “The world cannot be“ bought ” – all the more at the cost of law and principles. The world cannot be replaced by peacefulness, ”said Gayovishin. – […] Our task is not to repeat past mistakes, because the price of these errors is again blood, suffering and destruction. ”