The UN chief called lasting peace the main condition for achieving the SDGs by 2030

Глава ООН назвал прочный мир главным условием достижения ЦУР к 2030 году

Opening of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The UN chief called lasting peace the main condition for achieving the SDGs by 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals promised a better future for hundreds of millions of people around the world, but they were in jeopardy halfway through the 2030 target date. This is stated in the statement of the UN Secretary-General, read at the opening of the ministerial segment of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development by his First Deputy, Amina Mohammed.

“Today I call on all Member States to put words into action and urgently accelerate momentum in four key areas,” Guterres said in his message. – First of all, we need peace. Conflicts in Gaza, Sudan and Ukraine are causing enormous loss of life. It’s time to silence the guns in accordance with the UN Charter and international law.”

Our pursuit of a better future cannot come at the expense of our planet

Secondly, the head of the UN believes, it is necessary to accelerate the transition to “green” energy and the digital economy. “We must make a new ‘deal’ with nature,” he emphasized. “Our pursuit of a better future cannot come at the expense of our planet.”

Third, Antonio Guterres continued, the international financial system must be reformed to reduce the debt burden of developing countries and expand their access to financing.

Fourth, according to the head UN, it’s time to “double down” on the core promise of the SDGs – to leave no one behind, including people with disabilities, women and girls, and minorities. 

Finding sustainable, innovative solutions

If the international community does not take effective action, by 2030, eight percent of the world’s population, or 680 million people, will still suffer from hunger. The Chairman of the UN General Assembly, Dennis Francis, warned about this when speaking at the forum. already now.  

“There are 1.1 billion people living in poverty today,” he said. “We, as one international community, must find sustainable, innovative solutions that will allow us to meet our 2030 commitments.”

Dennis Francis listed the main areas that require special attention at this stage: the fight against poverty “in all its aspects and manifestations”; ensuring access to food “for everyone, everywhere”; adapting systems to effectively deliver public goods, especially in health and education.

Future Summit

“Despite Although we are significantly behind, I firmly believe that we have enormous opportunities,” continued the Chairman of the General Assembly. He said the Future Summit, which will be held in September, is part of ongoing efforts to achieve faster and more effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

“The expected outcome of the Summit, the conclusion of a Future Pact, will demonstrate the political will needed to bring a brighter tomorrow to everyone, everywhere,” said Dennis Francis. “In addition, the summit should set the direction for moving towards a fairer international financial system that addresses the crippling debt crisis and improves the chances of developing countries achieving the SDGs.”


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