The main news of the day | Monday: Sudan, Syria, Gas, Creature of Drugs

The closure of the GAZ of the checkpoint led to a food deficiency in the sector. The main news of the day | Monday: Sudan, Syria, Gas, Creature of Drugs UN The main news in the UN and the world: the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, the aggravation of the situation in Syria, the closure of the GAS GAZ, the fight against drugs, the commission for women. violence and hunger in Sudan Employees of the UN humanitarian institutions in Sudan report that the situation in this African country continues to deteriorate, especially in the province of North Darfur. Last week, an increase in violence forced more than 23 thousand people to leave their villages in the Dar-AS-Salam region. While humanitarian needs in Sudan are growing, financing continues to contract. The UN humanitarian coordinator for Sudan Klementina Nkveta-Salas expressed deep concern on Monday in connection with large-scale abbreviations and suspension of financing, which were recently announced by leading government donors. All this happens at the most inopportune moment when more than half of the population of Sudan is starving. The humanitarian crisis in the country is also exacerbated by outbreaks of dangerous diseases. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > UN Secretary General ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~The UN Secretary General Antoniu Gutherrish expressed deep concern with a sharp exacerbation of the situation in the coastal regions of Syria, where mass killings and destruction of infrastructure occur. Among the victims is an employee of the Middle Eastern agency of the UN to help Palestinian refugees (Bapor). Guterres expressed condolences to the Syrians who have lost loved ones, and called on all aspects of the conflict to immediately stop violence, abandon the inflammatory rhetoric and ensure the protection of the civilian population. ~ 60 > Energy Crisis in Gaza The UN Secretary General is extremely concerned about the decision of Israel to limit the supply of electricity to gas. Starting today, water supply objects in the sector will work on reserve generators. All control points leading to Gaza have been closed for the entry of trucks for nine days in a row, which seriously affects the delivery of humanitarian aid. Last week in Khan Yunis and Deir El Balahe, six bakers closed due to the lack of gas for cooking. As of yesterday, 19 bakers supported by the UN World Food Program are trying to use their capabilities as much as possible to make up for a lack of food. ~ 60 > struggle with Drugs & nbsp; Currently, the UN provides support for 180 border control units in 87 countries to intercept drug flows. This was announced at the session of the narcotic commission on Monday by the Executive Director of the Drugs and Crime Department (UN UN) Gada Vali. According to her, last year the UN contributed to the seizure of more than 300 tons of cocaine, 240 tons of synthetic drugs and 100 tons of substances intended for their manufacture. The UN contributes to the investigation of cases related to drug drugs, combining the efforts of law enforcement agencies and prosecutors of different countries. Women’s Regulation Commission Over the past 30, the international community managed to achieve a lot in the struggle for the struggle for the struggle for the struggle for the struggle Gender equality: the girls’ access to education has expanded, maternal mortality has decreased, the legal protection of women has strengthened, but colossal gaps are preserved. This was stated on Monday by the UN Secretary General Antoniu Gutherrish, opening the 69th session of the women’s position. Thousands of delegates from around the world take part in the work of the commission. The main focus on the session will be paid to the assessment of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration.


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