The head of the UN at the opening of the 69th session of the commission for women. The head of the UN at the opening of the Women’s Regulation Commission: Equality is the basis of development Women Over the past 30 years – since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform of Action – the international community has managed to achieve a lot in the struggle for gender equality: girls’ access to education has expanded, maternal mortality has decreased, legal protection of women has strengthened. 62 ~ But at the same time, colossal gaps are preserved, the UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterrish said on Monday, opening the 69th session of the commission for women. It takes place at the UN headquarters from March 10 to 21. Thousands of delegates from around the world take part in it. & Amp; nbsp; the main attention of the session will be paid to the assessment of the implementation of the Beijing declaration. 62 ~~ 60 > Chairman of the General Assembly of the UN Filimon Young-the significance of the jubilee dates-the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration And the platforms of actions, as well as the 25th anniversary of the resolution of 1325 of the UN Security Council about women, peace and security. ~ 60 > Young also noted the progress in promoting women’s rights: more countries adopted laws on gender equality, the number of women in parliament has increased. However, according to him, there is still a lot of work ahead. equality – long -term mission 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62“Such disgusting, ancient phenomena as violence, discrimination and economic inequality remain ubiquitous. The gap in wages between men and women is still 20 percent. Almost every third woman in the world is faced with violence, ”Antoniu Gutherrich brought anxious statistics. ~ 60 >“ Equality for all is a long -term mission. But three decades later this promise seems more distant than we could imagine, ”he added. 60 > according to him, today women are attacked. The Patriarchate’s Patriarchate, the Secretary General emphasized, inhibits progress, nullifying the achieved successes and “taking new, dangerous forms.” And most importantly, the antidote is actions, said Guterrish. “Now is the time for those who care about the equality of women and girls to declare themselves. Now is the time for the world to accelerate progress and fulfill the promise of Beijing, ”said the head of the UN. ~ 60 >“ Although complete equal rights remains out of reach, we are observing significant progress. We must use this impulse to speed up the implementation of our obligations, ”said Filimon Young. Basic ~ Basic Rights 60 ~/h2 > ~ 60 > Guterrish emphasized that in a number of countries women and girls are still deprived of even the most basic rights: “The right not to be raped by their own husband … the right to own property, transfer citizenship on a par with men, receive a credit without permission spouse. ”62 ~~ 60 > in many parts of the world women reproductive rights are canceled, initiatives on gender equality are coagulated, and violence against women and girls in conflict zones is growing. In Afghanistan, women and girls are deprived of even the right to speak in public space. 62 ~New technologies and global crises ~ 60 > 62 ~ social networks, actively using new technologies, including artificial intelligence, become platforms for pursuing and humiliating women and normalizing the femininity, warned the Generals. 95 percent of all dipfaces on the Internet are pornographic images created without the consent of women. 60 > General Secretary recognized that global crises have become a serious obstacle to equality. “Pandemia & nbsp; Covid-19 caused a surge in violence against women and girls, their participation in the labor market has decreased. The debt crisis depletes resources, and climatic disasters affect women the most, ”he said. Guterres also noted the lack of political will, the weakness of the laws that protect women, the narrowing of civilian space and the reduction in financing of organizations for the protection of women’s rights. 62 ~ equality – the basis is the basis Development Secretary General emphasized that equality is not just a matter of justice, but also the basis of development. “When girls get a quality education, and women are worthy of work, this stimulates economic growth. When women participate in the settlement of conflicts, the chances of a strong world increase, ”he said. ~ 60 > he offered several key steps to accelerate progress: increase funding for female organizations, support human rights activists, eliminate digital violence and ensure the full participation of women in world construction and the full participation of women Politics. 60 > Guterrish recalled that the UN sets an example for the international community: the organization first reached the gender balance among its leading composition. “We just expanded the circle of qualified candidates. We have never donated competence. We only leveled the rules of the game, ”he explained. ~ 60 > UN head called on world leaders to fulfill the obligations of the Beijing Platform of Action. “We must rally around the Beijing Declaration and confirm the commitment to the action platform. And make sure that the rights, equality and expansion of opportunities become a reality for every woman and every girl in the world, ”concluded the general secretary. 62 ~