Navruz is noted in about 20 UN member countries. In the photo: a festive table at the UN headquarters in New York. Navruz is the time of peace and update Culture and education Flowers, sprouted wheat, sweets, painted eggs as a symbol of a new life – Navruz attributes, which is about 300 million inhabitants of the planet on the day of the equinox, echoes many spring holidays around the world. Their main idea is update, hope for the best and the world. This year, Central Asia meets Navruz with special enthusiasm: there are no more unresolved problems with borders in the region. “Chance to start over again” “When the world will begin to be updated with the advent of spring, let’s remember that every new year and every day is a chance to start all over again; a chance to act differently; the possibility of creating the best society, ”says the Message of the UN Secretary General Antoniu Gutherrisha on the occasion of International Day Navruz. from 2010, when the General Assembly adopted the corresponding resolution, an international day of the United Nations appeared in the United Nations Calendar. with the ideals of the UN. ~ 60 > it is celebrated on March 21, although the holiday itself depends on how much the equinox falls on in one or another year, when the day is divided equally for day and night. 60 ~ h2 > interweaving customs 60 > rooted for more than 3,000 years in the era of zoroastrianism, Navruz combines various cultures of Iran, Central Asia, Caucasus, Balkans and other regions, representing a rich interweaving of customs, traditions and common values. 62 > Permanent representative of Turkmenistan at the UN Axoltan Ataeva. “Navruz is a wonderful holiday, it consolidates all the remarkable traditions of the peoples of Asia and the East. For us, this is a holiday of peace, friendship, well -being, mutual understanding and dialogue, ”the constant representative of Turkmenistan at the UN news at the UN news at Axoltan Ataeva explains. 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62Diplomats from countries where Navruz is celebrated, as well as their guests gathered this week at the UN headquarters at celebrations on the occasion of the holiday. The music of Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Kazakhstan sounded; The speakers spoke of peace, friendship and cooperation; Mission to the UN treated guests with traditional dishes. & NBSP; & nbsp; Permanent representative of Uzbekistan at the UN Ulugbek Lapasov. In the ancient Persian Empire, Navruz was considered one of the most sacred days of the year. Over the centuries, it turned into a secular holiday that has covered many ethnolinguistic and cultural communities. ~ 60 > “In the UN of approximately 20 countries, which is actively celebrated by the Navruz holiday,” says the constant representative of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Lapasov. – The main message of this holiday is the world that we are just missing today. ” The permanent representative of Azerbaijan at the UN Tofik Musaev in his speech recalled that his country was the initiator and main author of the resolution of the General Assembly, which established the International Navruz Day. “Navruz plays an important role in the unification of people, emphasizes the importance of familiarization with culture and the need to further develop a civilizational dialogue that contributes to the development of international cooperation,” said Tofik Musaev. & Amp; nbsp; historical Navruz for the central Asia Permanent representative of Kyrgyzstan at the UN Aida Kasymaliev. This year, Navruz’s celebration in Central Asia coincided with a historical event, recalled the permanent representative of Kyrgyzstan at the UN Aid Kasymaliev. “I think it was not by chance that it was on the eve of Navruz that an agreement was concluded on the demarcation of borders between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan,” the UN news service told the diplomat. – Thus, a new era has come in Central Asia – the world in our region has become even stronger. We have no unresolved problems along the borders, and this is a great contribution to the prosperity of the region. ” The permanent representative of Tajikistan at the UN Jonibek Ismail Hikmat. constant representative of Tajikistan Jonibek Hikmat is also convinced that Navruz carries peace and good with him. “This is a very important day for us. In the current situation, the main thing is now to rally, strengthen our cooperation in order to solve common problems together, ”he said. ~ 60 > Permanent representative of Kazakhstan Kairat Umarov emphasized that the historical agreement between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan managed to conclude tens of negotiations that lasted dozens years. & nbsp; ~ 60 > “And today Central Asia has become an inspirational example of regional cooperation for the whole world, which laid the way to greater stability, prosperity and long -term world,” the Kazakh diplomat emphasized, referring to gathered. 60 > in 2009 UNESCO included Navruz in the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of mankind, noting its deep cultural significance and the role in strengthening mutual understanding between different peoples. & nbsp; centuries -old traditions ~ 60 > Navruz are also centuries -old traditions transmitted from generation to generation before the holiday, decoration of the table, jumping through A fire, noisy street festivals and feasts. “We cook food, we are going to at home for dastarkhan, this is a special holiday – Navruz in our blood,” says Aida Kasymalieva. & Amp; nbsp; 62 > 62 ~