Future Summit: Making the UN More Effective

Саммит будущего: сделать ООН более эффективной

Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Guy Ryder briefed reporters on preparations for the Future Summit. Future Summit: Making the UN More Effective UN

In the run-up to the Future Summit, talks are ongoing, including on how to accelerate sustainable development and reform institutions created decades ago, including the UN Security Council and the international financial system.

On Wednesday, Under-Secretary-General for Policy Guy Ryder, who is organising the event, told reporters of the “ambitious agenda.”

A New Multilateralism

“The idea of ​​the Summit is to make the United Nations, the multilateral system, more effective in delivering on its mandate,” Ryder said.

The world has changed and continues to change, he said, while many of the global structures date back to the creation of the UN, when it had 51 states represented instead of 193.

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Summit of the Future: Key Themes

More than 130 heads of state and government are expected to attend the Future Summit, which will take place from 22 to 23 September, ahead of the annual high-level debate of the UN General Assembly. 

It will be preceded by two Days of Action, during which key themes will be discussed by representatives of non-governmental organisations, academia and the private sector. More than 7,000 people have registered to participate so far.

Reaching Consensus

The Summit is expected to adopt a Pact for the Future, which will be accompanied by a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. 

“The Global Digital Compact aims to make technology work for humanity in a fair way,” Ryder said. Meanwhile, the Declaration on Future Generations aims to ensure that decisions made today fully take into account the needs and interests of tomorrow.

Ryder noted that with 10 days to go before the Summit, UN member states are working hard to reach consensus on three outcome documents. According to him, there are good reasons to be confident that the successful conclusion of these negotiations will lead to the conclusion of a pact with two annexes that will change the situation in the world for the better.

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EXPLAINING | Five things you need to know about the Future Summit


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