End of permafrost: many glaciers will not survive this century, climatologists warn

The annual ice loss in the world is 273 billion tons, which approximately corresponds to the consumption of water by the entire population of the world over 30 years. End of permafrost: many glaciers will not survive this century, climatologists warn Climate and environment The glaciers in many regions of the planet will not survive the XXI century if they continue to melt the current pace. This was stated by UN experts on climate on World Glaciers, which is first celebrated this year. & Amp; nbsp; World Glaciers Day (March 21) is designed to increase the knowledge of the planet about the most important role that glaciers play in the climatic system of the Earth. It is celebrated on the eve of World Water Resources (March 22). In the New York headquarters of the UN, an event dedicated to both dates took place on Friday. It is designed to draw attention to the interconnected problems of water availability, climate change and melting of glaciers. The sponsors of the event were Barbados, Canada, Peru, Senegal, Singapore, Tajikistan, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates. ~ ~ 60 > “We should not forget about the cold harsh truth: the preservation of glaciers is necessary for security, prosperity and justice,” said the General Secretary of the UNC Antoniu Guterres in his message on the occasion of World Water Day. “Let’s act together to preserve these frozen sources of life for humanity.” UN Secretary General during a visit to the Antarctic. Glaciers contain about 70 percent of world fresh water reserves. They are an indicators of climate change, since they usually do not conceal in stable climatic conditions. Now, due to global warming caused by an anthropogenic climate change, their area is reduced with an unprecedented speed. 60 ~ strong > read Also: interview | The glaciers melt: what does it mean for people and whether they can save them ? 60 ~ p > last year glaciers in Scandinavia, the Norwegian Svalbberg archipelago and in North Asia experienced the largest annual loss of the total mass in the entire history of observations. In the area of ​​the Gindukush mountain range in the Western Himalayas, extending from Afghanistan to Pakistan, more than 120 million farmers can lose their livelihood. & Amp; nbsp; 62 ~ The satellite picture of the edge of the Matusevich Glacier in East Antarctica. irreversible process huge masses of ice are rapidly disappearing. According to the World Meteorological Organization (VMO), at five of the last six years there is the fastest melting of glaciers in the entire history of observations. ~ 60 >~ 60 > 62 ~“We are observing unprecedented changes that in many cases can be irreversible,” says Sulagon Mishra, a researcher at VMO. 60 > according to the World Warming Service (VSML), since 1975, glaciers outside Greenland and Antarctica have lost more than 9,000 billion tons of their tons Masses. 60 > “This is equivalent to a huge ice block the size of Germany and a thickness of 25 meters,” explained Michael Zemp, Director of VSML. According to him, since 2000, the world annually lost on average 273 billion tons of ice. ~ 60 > annual ice loss is 273 billion tons, which approximately corresponds to the consumption of water by the entire population of the world over 30 years. In central Europe, almost 40 percent of the remaining ice melted. “If this continues with the current pace, then the glaciers in the Alps will not survive in this century,” said Michael Zemp. Sulagon Mishra from VMO added that if the emissions of greenhouse gases causing warming will not be limited, and the temperature will grow at the same pace as now, by the end of 2100, 80 percent of small glaciers in Europe, East Africa, Indonesia and in a number of others will be lost regions. 60 ~ h2 > threat of large-scale floods ~ 60 > latest glacier monitoring data show that from 25 to 30 percent of the sea level, there is precisely due to the melting of glaciers. Sea level rises by about one millimeter every year. At first glance, this figure may seem insignificant, but it should be borne in mind that each millimeter floods the territory on which from 200 to 300 thousand people live. Floods can deprive people of means of existence and force them to migrate from one place to another. The Director of the VSML Michael, who teaches glaciology at the University of Zurich, believes that now you should prepare for a world where there are no glaciers. 60 > “When I think about the future of my children, I represent a world in which there will be no glaciers. In fact, all this is very alarming, ”he said in an interview with the UN news service. Scientists collect data on the Glacier of the South Cascade in the American state Washington. glacier of the year ~ 60 > this year the southern cascade in Washington, USA was announced by the glacier of the year. Continuous observation of this ice mass has been carried out since 1952. 60 > “Glacier of the Southern Cascade serves as an example of both the beauty of glaciers and the long -term commitment of scientists and volunteers devoted to their cause, which collected data for a change in the mass of glaciers for more than six decades,” said the one said Caitlin Florentine from the US Geological Service. & Amp; nbsp;


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