Conference on the restoration of Ukraine: the UN is alarmed by the lack of funding for humanitarian operations

Конференция по восстановлению Украины: в ООН встревожены недостатком финансирования гуманитарных операций

.The conference on the restoration of Ukraine takes place in Berlin. Conference on the restoration of Ukraine: the UN is alarmed by the lack of funding for humanitarian operations Humanitarian aid

The UN will step up financial support for Ukraine amid intensifying attacks that are killing civilians and damaging critical civilian infrastructure. This was stated by the Administrator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Achim Steiner, who represents the Secretary General at this forum, speaking at the International Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine in Berlin.

About two thousand representatives of the world of politics, business and international organizations are participating in the Berlin conference. Forum participants discuss the long-term prospects for the recovery of Ukraine and ways to attract investment into its economy. At the opening of the conference on June 11, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz spoke.

“As the UN and its partners continue to provide critical humanitarian assistance in Ukraine, with a particular focus on frontline communities, there are growing concerns about cuts in humanitarian funding amid a significant increase in needs,” said Achim Steiner. “This has affected almost all regions of the country, and support is needed now more than ever.” and three thousand staff work together with government agencies and local communities in Ukraine to meet urgent humanitarian needs and pave the way for recovery, reconstruction and development in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Where the security situation allows, the UN has significantly expanded its efforts, implementing $1.1 billion in reconstruction and development programs in 2022 and 2023, and expects to invest another $1 billion in 2024.

“Nevertheless, the only sustainable solution to the current crisis,” said Achim Steiner, “remains the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace based on the principles of the UN Charter and international law: ensuring that the drums of war fall silent , and the spirit of renewal, hope and revival could resonate in every corner of Ukraine.”

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