Climate change: the goals of the Paris Agreement are still achievable, the head of the UN is convinced

Extreme weather phenomena in 2024 led to the largest number of new movements since 2008. Climate change: the goals of the Paris Agreement are still achievable, the head of the UN is convinced The climate and environment according to the report of the World Meteorological Organization published on Wednesday (VMO), in 2024, the consequences of anthropogenic climate change have reached a dangerous level, some of them will probably be irreversible for centuries, if not millennia. 62 ~ The report “The state of the global climate” confirms that 2024 became the hottest year since the start of observation was 175 years ago, while the global average temperature of 1.55 degrees Celsius exceeded the pre -industrial level, for the first time overcoming the critical threshold of warming of 1.5 degrees. & nbsp; ~ 60 > although one year higher than the critical threshold does not violate the long -term goals of the Paris Agreement (the average value below 1.5 degrees), this indicator indicates the urgent need to reduce emissions, the authors warn report. Other important climatic indicators also set new records. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at the highest level over the past 800 thousand years, and the oceans continue to heat up at an unprecedented speed. Glaciers and sea ice are rapidly melting, contributing to an increase in the level of the ocean, which threatens coastal ecosystems and infrastructure around the world. 60 > In addition, tropical cyclones, floods, droughts and other natural disasters last year led to the highest indicator of population movements in the last 16 years, which contributed to the aggravation of the food crisis on the planet and led to huge economic losses. & nbsp; early warning systems 60 > despite these alarming alarming alarming. The trends, the UN Secretary General said on Wednesday that the goals of the Paris Agreement are still achievable. Antoniu Gutherrish called on world leaders to activate efforts in response to an increasing crisis. “Our planet gives more and more distress signals,” he said. – Nevertheless, this report shows that the restriction of a long -term increase in the global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius is still possible. We must take advantage of cheap, pure, renewable energy sources and realize new national climatic plans that will be developed this year. ”~ 60 > 60 > 62 ~ General Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization Celeste Saulo called the conclusions of the“ anxious call ”, testifying to the growing level The risk that people, the economy and the planet are faced with. ~ 60 > “VMO and the world community activate efforts to strengthen early warning systems. We achieve progress, but we need to move further and move faster, ”she said. irreversible changes 62 > 62 ~The report states that record global temperatures in 2023 and 2024 were primarily due to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Other factors that could make their contribution include the variations of the solar cycle, volcanic activity and changes in the circulation of the ocean. ~ 60 > scientists emphasize the urgent need to take measures, since in some cases irreversible changes have come, including the speed of the sea level, which was doubled from the beginning of the start of the satellite measurements. forecasts show that the warming of the ocean, which has reached the highest level in the history of observations, will continue until the end of the century and further, even if the world significantly reduces emissions. Similarly, the ocean acidification will continue to grow at least until the end of this century. other key conclusions of the report global one of the last ten years were separately the most warm years behind The entire history of observations. ~ 60 > each of the last eight years set a new record for the content of heat in the ocean. > over the past 18 years the lowest levels of sea ice thickness in the Arctic in the Arctic in the Arctic have been recorded in the Arctic. observations. 60 > three three lowest areas of antarctic ice have been recorded over the past three years. ~ 60 > the largest three -year loss of the glacier has occurred over the past three years. 60 > in 2024 the thermal content of the ocean reached the highest level for 65 years of observation. & nbsp; ~ 60 > 62 > 62 ~


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