Antonio Guterres: all countries are obliged to comply with UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea

Антониу Гутерриш: все страны обязаны соблюдать санкции Совбеза ООН в отношении КНДР

UN Secretariat building in New York Antonio Guterres: all countries are obliged to comply with UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea International Law

There are sanctions against the DPRK approved by the Security Council, and all countries, including Russia, are obliged to comply with them. The UN Secretary General stated this when answering a journalist’s question on Friday. 

“Any relations of any country with the DPRK, including the Russian Federation, must be fully consistent with the sanctions [approved by the UN Security Council],” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized, answering a journalist’s question during his conversation on Friday with the press at the UN headquarters. 

Recall that the Security Council sanctions provide for an embargo on the supply of weapons and related materiel to the DPRK. Thus, according to resolution 2270, adopted in 2016, “all Member States must take the necessary measures to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to the DPRK […] of weapons and related materiel of all types, including small arms and light weapons and related material assets, and establish a ban on related financial transactions…” 

Here you can find comprehensive information on sanctions against the DPRK.& nbsp;

According to information from official sources in Russia and the DPRK, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with North Korean Chairman of State Affairs Kim Jong-un on June 19. The document, as noted, “provides, among other things, for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this treaty.”


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