UN: Decades of progress in reducing children’s mortality under threat

Millions of children are alive today thanks to investment in proven methods, such as vaccination, ensuring the necessary nutrition and access to safe water. UN: Decades of progress in reducing children’s mortality under threat Healthcare since 2000, children’s mortality in the world has decreased more than doubled, and the frustration indicator by more than a third. These are the data of the UN inter -development group on the assessment of children’s mortality. However, in recent years, progress has slowed down, and millions of children’s lives are at risk due to lack of funding. 62 ~ in 2023 4.8 million deaths were registered among children under the age of five and 1.9 million cases of stillbirth. The reduction of indicators to record low levels was facilitated by constant investments in the fight against children’s mortality. ~ 60 > millions of children are alive today thanks to investment in proven methods, such as vaccines, providing the necessary nutrition and access to safe water, the Executive Director of the UN children’s fund (Yunisaf) noted Catherine Russell. “Reducing preventive child mortality to a record low level is an outstanding achievement. But without the right choice of politics and adequate investments, we risk neglecting all achievements, and millions of children will die from preventive reasons. We cannot allow this, ”she said. ~ 60 > many large donors announced a reduction in financing efforts to combat child mortality. This already leads to the closure of the clinics, the reduction of personnel, the lack of drugs and other medical products, failures in vaccination programs. ~ ~ 60 > “In conditions of global reduction of financing more than ever it is necessary to intensify cooperation to protect and improve the health of children,” said the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adkhan Goebreesus. ~ 60 > even before the current financing crisis, the rate of mortality rate among children under the age of five has already slowed down. Since 2015, they have decreased by 42 percent, compared with the period of 2000-2015. 62 > 62 ~In conditions of global reduction in financing, it is necessary to activate cooperation to protect the health of children 60 ~/BlockQUote > 60 > almost half of deaths under the age of five, occurs during the first month of life, mainly due to premature births or complications during childbirth. Among children over one month, the main cause of death is infectious diseases, including acute respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea. ~ 60 > ~ 60 > 45 percent of cases of stillbirth is associated with protracted or complicated genera, in particular, the mothers suffering from infections, as well as with the absence timely medical intervention. “Most preventive children’s deaths are taking place in countries with low income, where basic services, vaccines and methods of treatment are often unavailable,” said Juan Pablo Uribe, a World Bank, dealing with healthcare issues. 60 > child’s place of birth affects his chances of surviving. So, children born in the countries of Africa south of Sahara, on average, 18 times more often die until the age of five than children born in Australia and New Zealand. Inside the countries, the poorest children living in rural areas, and children of less educated mothers are subjected to higher risks. ~ ~ 60 > differences in stillbirth indicators are equally serious: almost 80 percent of cases fall south of Sahara and South Asia. In countries with a low income of such cases, eight times more than in rich countries. ~ 60 > “Investing in children’s health guarantees that they will survive, receive education, this is a contribution to future labor. Thanks to strategic investments and strong political will, we can continue to reduce child mortality, opening the possibilities of economic growth and employment that benefit the whole world, ”Urista noted. ~ 60 > ~ ~ ~ ~ > in the UN they emphasize that ensuring access to quality and children will allow saving among mothers and children Millions of lives, and call governments, donors and partners in the private and public sectors to prevent regression in the fight against children’s mortality.


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