UNEP: emissions in the construction sector stopped growing

Construction work in Amsterdam. UNEP: emissions in the construction sector stopped growing The climate and environment more and more countries are striving to reduce the negative environmental consequences of the construction and operation of buildings, but slow progress and lack of financing are threatened by global goals in the field of climate. These are the key conclusions of the annual review of the construction sector, published today by the UN Environmental Program (UNUP) and the global alliance for the environmentalization of the construction industry (Globalabc). the report evaluates progress in this area and calls for more active measures in six directions, including the introduction of energy codes (regulatory requirements of buildings energy consumption), the use of renewable energy sources and financing. Global initiatives, such as the Intergovernmental Council on Buildings and the Climate, contribute to the adoption of bold climatic plans and updating the deposits (one) determined at the national level to achieve zero emissions in the UN conference to change the climate (KS-30) in Belen, Brazil. 62 ~ emissions “The buildings in which we work, make purchases and live, are responsible for a third of the world emissions and a third of the world waste,” said UNEP ING Andersen. – The good news is that government measures bring results. But we need to act on a large scale and faster. I urge all countries to include in their updated out -of -date plans to quickly reduce emissions in the field of construction and operation of buildings. ”~ 60 > analyzing data in the decade after the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, the authors of the report note that in 2023 the growth of construction first ceased to be accompanied gases. & nbsp; Thanks to the introduction of mandatory construction energy codes, energy efficiency standards and increasing investment in energy efficiency, energy intensity of the sector, almost 10 percent decreased, and the share of renewable energy sources in the final consumption increased by almost 5 percent. Additional measures, such as circular construction methods, “green” rental, energy -saving modernization of buildings and the use of low -carbon materials, can even more reduce energy consumption, improve waste management and reduce emissions. 62 ~ Further further Measures 60 > despite progress, the construction sector remains one of the main driving forces of the climatic crisis: it consumes 32 percent of the global energy resources and produces 34 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. To produce materials such as cement and steel, there are 18 percent of world emissions, this is the main source of construction waste. Since almost half of the buildings that will exist by 2050 have not yet been built, construction energy codes are called to coordinate in the UNEP. However, the data show a decrease in the rate of installation of heat pumps, which help reduce energy consumption and reduce emissions, and the absence of construction codes for more than 50 percent of new housing in developing countries. 60 > tasks for governments and businesses report. It sets the task for countries that produce the largest number of emissions to introduce energy codes for the zero level of emissions by 2028, and for other countries – no later than 2035. The integration of building codes in updated Oneus is critical of the global obligation to renewed energy and energy efficiency accepted on the KS-28, emphasize in the UNEP. ~ 60 > 60 > in UNEP also calls for all governments and representatives of business. Global investment in the energy efficiency of buildings – from $ 270 billion to $ 522 billion by 2030. The introduction of the principles of expanded liability of the manufacturer and the circular economy – including the extension of the service life of buildings, increasing the efficiency of the use of materials, their re -use and processing, as well as waste management – will help eliminate spaces in financing. Programs for the training of specialists are also needed.


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