Vaccination is the best protection against measles. The European region has registered the largest number of cases of measles over the past 25 years Healthcare according to the analysis conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, in 2024, 127,350 cases of measles were recorded in the European region, which is twice as much as a year earlier, and is the highest rate since 1997 years. & nbsp; More than 40 percent of the registered cases of disease in the region – in 53 countries of Europe and Central Asia – accounted for children under the age of five. More than half of the registered cases required hospitalization. According to preliminary data obtained as of March 6, 2025, 38 fatal outcomes were recorded. & Amp; nbsp; 60 > since 1997, when there were about 216 thousand cases, the incidence of measles in the region as a whole is reduced. The indicator reached a minimum in 2016, but then, in 2018 and 2019, there was a surge of incidence. After reducing the coverage of immunization during pandemia Covid-19, the number of cases of the disease again increased significantly. The level of vaccination in many countries has not yet returned to the dopandemic indicators, which increases the risk of flashes. & Amp; nbsp; “alarming call” 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~“Kor is returning, and this is an alarming call,” warned Dr. Hans Klyge, director of the European regional Bureau of WHO. – There can be no security vaccination without high coverage. We should not afford to take up positions. Each country needs to activate efforts on the coverage of insufficiently vaccinated communities. The measles virus never calms down, and we also should not. ”~ 60 > in 2024 there were a third of all cases of measles in the world in the European region. In 2023, half a million children in the region did not receive the first dose of measles vaccine as part of planned immunization. The largest number of cases of the disease in the region in 2024 was registered in Romania, followed by Kazakhstan. & Amp; nbsp; gaps in coverage by immunization “number of cases in the last two years of cases Curity diseases in Europe and Central Asia has increased sharply, which indicates gaps in immunization coverage, ”said Regina de Dominikis, regional director of UNICEF for Europe and Central Asia. – In order to protect children from this dangerous disease, it is necessary to take urgent measures, including stable investments in the healthcare sphere. ”~ 60 > measles – one of the most contagious viruses that affect people. In addition to hospitalization and death caused by complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis, diarrhea and dehydration, measles can cause long -term complications, such as blindness. She can also disrupt the work of the immune system, “erasing” her memory of how to deal with infections. Vaccination is the best protection against the virus. & Amp; nbsp;