Food assistance for residents of Ukraine. The main news of the day | Wednesday: UN reform, Ukraine, child trade, gender equality UN ~ 60 > The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: Guterry – about the UN reform, victims among civilians, children make up 38 percent of human trafficking victims, a new program to strengthen women’s rights. UN reform ~ 62 > 62 ~The United Nations will pay priority to the reforms, thanks to which its activities will remain effective and will be devoted to the people to which it serves, the Secretary General of Antoniu Guterrish said on Wednesday, speaking to journalists at the UN headquarters. He officially announced the launch of the UN-80 initiative, aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization and making structural changes to its work. The head of the UN emphasized that the current year, when the UN is 80 years old, is a suitable moment for expanding all the appropriate efforts. shelling Ukraine According to the Coordination of Humanitarian issues, over the past two days, as a result of shelling in several regions of Ukraine, civilians have died and were injured. In Odessa, according to reports, a commercial vessel moored in the port hit the port, as a result of which four sailors died. Meanwhile, from the beginning of this year, the UN and humanitarian partners have organized 13 humanitarian tanks, including six in Kherson, delivering assistance for almost 17 thousand residents of front-line communities in the east and south of Ukraine. ~ 60 > 60 ~ h2 class = “Text-align-justify” > violence in the violence The attitude of children 60 ~ p class = “Text-align-justify” > vulnerability of children in the face of people’s traders intensifies all over the world. About this, speaking at the 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday, said the special representative of the Secretary General on the issue of violence against children Naja Maalla Mjid. According to the last global report on human trafficking, children make up 38 percent of human trafficking in the world, and among girls this figure has increased significantly over the past five years. ~ 60 > right Women 60 ~ P Class = “Text-align-Justify” > during a high-level event that has passed on the fields of the 69th session of the women’s position in New York, the UN has launched a new program for strengthening women’s rights and achieve gender equality. The program of action “Beijing+30” is aimed at achieving such goals as a digital revolution, eradication of poverty and violence, equality, as well as climatic justice.