In the region, the level of education is generally high, but not everyone completes the learning process, especially at the level of high school. UN Report: Will the countries of Europe, North America and Central Asia achieve sustainable development goals ? The goals in the field of sustainable development ~ 60 > efforts to achieve the goals in the field of sustainable development (CUR) by 2030 are reached by serious obstacles associated with continuing conflicts, climate change and economic instability. New data on progress in the achievement of the CUR in the region of the European Economic Commission (EC) of the UN demonstrate the negative impact of these crises. & Amp; nbsp; sixth report of the UN UN on progress in the achievement of the CUR will be a key document for discussions at the upcoming regional forum for sustainable development. ~ h2 > uneven progress 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 one The region covering Europe, North America, the Caucasus and Central Asia, Turkey and Israel, by 2030, will be able to reach only 21 target indicators – or 17 percent of measurable indicators. This practically does not differ from the results of 2024 (20 indicators) and 2023 (21 indicator). ~ 60 > 84 goals requires acceleration of progress, and 20 goals (compared to 17 last year) are observed in a negative dynamics, which is necessary. turn. international cooperation “The pact in the name of the future confirmed the commitment of countries with bold and ambitious actions to achieve the CUR and efforts aimed at ensuring that no one lags behind in this process. This report emphasizes many problems that our region faces. In these unstable times, international cooperation and solidarity are becoming even more important for supporting progress in countries, ”said Tatyana Molhen, Executive Secretary of the UN ECC. ~ 60 > 60 > she also greeted improvement of data accessibility, which made it possible to more realistically evaluate The situation. & nbsp; poverty, gender equality and education 60 > according to the report, more than a third of the countries of the region below the national poverty threshold lives more than 20 percent of the population. Moreover, in the conditions of the so -called multidimensional poverty, more than 20 percent of the inhabitants of more than half of the countries are located. Despite the generally high level of social protection in the region, targeted support for vulnerable groups, such as unemployed, remains insufficient. The number of people who receive less than half of the median level of income grows in almost one third of the countries, and if the current trend remains, in half the states of the region more than 10 percent of people will be in such a situation by 2030. ~ 60 > ~ ~ > progress in the development of political and legal framework aimed at combating the discrimination and support of the gender Equality remains slow, the authors of the report note. The share of places in the parliaments and local authorities occupied by women is growing, but the pace is insufficient to achieve parity by 2030. ~ 60 >~ 60 > 62 > 62 >In the region, the level of education is generally high, but not everyone completes the learning process, especially at the level of high school where regression is observed. The scale of training in preschool institutions is reduced in more than a third of countries. The indicator of possession of skills in the field of information and communication technologies is slowly improving. At the same time, the percentage of the working population involved in education and training was reduced in 40 percent of countries. health and well -being region, as expected, will achieve the goals to reduce children’s and maternal mortality. At the same time, the pace of progress in the field of sexual and reproductive health is slow, and in some countries there is a regression. In addition, a reduction in the number of suicides is underway too slowly. Mortality from traffic accidents is generally reduced. Most children in the region receive recommended vaccinations, but the region will not reach universal coverage by vaccination by 2030, and the indicators are reduced according to two of vaccinations, the report is said. ~ 60 > energy and change climate 60 > although risk reduction strategies were enhanced, the number of people affected by disasters continues to grow, noted in the report. Pastures in remote mountainous areas of Kyrgyzstan. Access to electricity is universal, and, as expected, while maintaining the current trend, the share of renewable energy sources will be 27 percent. The authors of the report urge to accelerate progress in the field of sustainable use of natural resources, as well as in the field of waste reduction and processing. ~ ~ 60 > air pollution level in cities has significantly decreased in almost all countries, and almost half of the region will reach the air quality, if the trend is the trend It will be preserved. & nbsp; water and environment ~ 60 > safe drinking water in the EEC region is widely available, and 30 percent of countries, according to forecasts, the entire population will be able to provide water. However, regional differences are preserved, especially in the field of sanitation. Water use becomes more effective, but progress is uneven and does not occur quickly enough. In the region, 70 percent of cross -border waterfield pools have functioning cooperation mechanisms, but the introduction of integrated control does not reach target indicators at the current pace. 60 > progress is accelerated in protecting marine bio -forming. However, the region should change the trends in the field of fisheries, as well as in the research and development of marine technologies. ~ 60 > forest areas increase, but not quickly to achieve the goals of 2030. For more rapid progress, improvements in the protection of ground and freshwater biodiversity and mountain ecosystems are also necessary. ~ 60 > industry 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62The average growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the EC countries exceeds 2 percent. Most states have developed youth employment strategies, and this goal is expected to be achieved. Nevertheless, the share of youth who does not participate in labor, education or training does not decrease quickly enough, and its increase in 10 countries requires urgent measures. ~ 60 > 60 > the region achieved good results in the field of sustainable and inclusive economic development, the report said. Carbon emissions from production are reduced, and access to information and communication technologies are wide. ~ 60 > volume of dangerous waste per capita as a whole is reduced, but in more than 30 percent of the countries there is a reverse trend. Although the level of waste processing in the region as a whole grows, in almost 60 percent of the countries there is a regression in the processing of electric waste. partnership ~ 60 > murders are relatively rare in most countries of the region, but in more than 20 percentage of more than 20 percentage states have an increase in violent crimes and robberies in recent years. Half of the countries is experiencing a regression in the field of population safety. the region returned to positive economic growth, but public debt continues to grow. Many countries are still far from achieving inflation, and more than 20 percent have experienced in recent years inflation with two -digit indicators. data accessibility for monitoring the CUR improves. The number of global indicators that can be estimated in the EEC region has increased in the latest estimate from 160 to 171.