One hundred years of struggle for women’s rights in Kyrgyzstan: Rosa Otunbaev calls not to stop there

Special representative of the UN Secretary General in Afghanistan Rosa Otunbaev. One hundred years of struggle for women’s rights in Kyrgyzstan: Rosa Otunbaev calls not to stop there Women In March 1925, the first congress of women-Dehkanok and farmers took place in the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region. Today, after a hundred years, this event remains an important milestone in the history of the struggle for equal rights. Former President of Kyrgyzstan, the first woman at the head of state in Central Asia and the special representative of the UN Secretary General of Afghanistan, Rosa Otunbaev shares her view of achievements in the gender sphere and challenges facing women today. 62 ~ first steps: the historical heritage of the female movement ~ 60 > 1925 congress, united women who are ready to challenge established traditions. Among them were Tursun Osmonov, Kayyp Minatalieva, Zuleik Dzhetygenova, Tursun Sweem, Maria Shevchenko-Kolosova, Galia Ibragimova and many others. Unfortunately, their names turned out to be forgotten, Otunbaev notes, but the centenary of the female movement in Kyrgyzstan makes it possible to recall these pioneers and evaluate their contribution. “We are obliged to preserve the memory of the first daring women and make their achievements visible. The contribution of women to the development of the country should be recognized and marked, ”she emphasizes. A century of struggle: what has changed and what has yet to be done ? ~ 60 > Otunbaeva notes that the liberation of women in Kyrgyzstan has become part of large -scale social transformations of the 20th century. In the 1920-30s, a campaign was held to eliminate traditional restrictions, such as forced marriages, the payment of Kalym and polygamy. In 1925, the Revolutionary Committee of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region adopted a law on criminal liability for these practices, and also established the minimum age for marriage. 60 > However, despite significant progress, many problems remain relevant. “A hundred years have passed, but the issues of equal rights and protection of women’s rights still require our attention,” says Otunbaeva. ~ 60 > Afghan Women: Rights reduced to zero ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62Since 2022, Rosa Otunbaeva heads the UN mission in Afghanistan. Describing the situation in this country, she warns that the rollback back in matters of equality can occur rapidly. “Today in Afghanistan, women and girls have only one right – to breathe. Everything else is prohibited, ”she says. ~ 60 > today in Afghanistan women and girls have only one right – breathe 60 ~/blockquote > 60 > over the past two years in the country more than 50 prohibitions that limit women’s rights were introduced: girls are forbidden to receive education after 6th grade, visit public places, and women work, including in government agencies and international organizations. 60 > “This example shows that the reached rights are not guaranteed forever. Equality requires constant efforts, ”warns Otunbaeva. kyrgyzstan: joint liability women of Kyrgyzstan continue to make a significant contribution to science, art, economy, politics and others spheres. “Our goal is to create a society in which every woman feels protected, respected and free,” Rosa Otunbaev roses. 60 ~ p > in her opinion, women’s rights are not only women themselves, but of the whole society. “We must go forward together – men and women, state structures and civil society. This is the only way to build an equal and fair future, ”she concludes.


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