The General Assembly discussed the issue of applying a veto when voting on amendments to the resolution of SB in Ukraine

Meeting of the UN General Assembly. The General Assembly discussed the issue of applying a veto when voting on amendments to the resolution of SB in Ukraine International law In accordance with the decision of the General Assembly (HA) adopted in April 2022, each case of applying the right of Veta one of the five permanent members of the Security Council is discussed in the HA. On Thursday, UN members were given the opportunity to express about the decision of Russia to block on February 24, 2025, two amendments to the US resolution proposed by the United States. amendments were then made by Greece, Denmark, Slovenia, Great Britain and France. They were supported by the majority of the SB member countries, and they would have passed if Russia had not voted against. ~ 60 > authors of the amendments, we recall, they suggest that they introduce a resolution of the word about the commitment of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as that the world should be concluded on conditions corresponding to the charter corresponding to the charter UN. The draft document was adopted in the end without these amendments, in its original form. Speaking today at the General Assembly, the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the UN Dmitry Polyansky stated that Russia highly evaluates the US initiative, considering the text on February 24 in the Security Council “step in the right direction” and the back of the further effort to regulate the Ukrainian crisis. Polyansky, approved by the Security Council, “has every chance to leave the” Party of War “, which is alienated on the sufferings of ordinary Ukrainians.” “Today, all the efforts of a significant number of European countries are aimed exclusively at the dead end to all realistic initiatives to resolve the Ukrainian conflict,” the Russian diplomat emphasized. ~ ~ p > 62 ~According to Polyansky, the amendments proposed on February 24 are “an attempt to distort the American text with politicized, unbalanced passages”, which aims to hinder the “planned positive progress on a peaceful track”. 60 > acting head of the US mission to the UN Doroti Shi said about the UN The fact that the vote in the Security Council on February 24 demonstrated that the United States is committed to the termination of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Recall that the United States abstained when voting on amendments on February 24. 60 > “Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians were killed,” said Shi. – The longer the war lasts, the more suffering it will cause to both peoples. The war should end now, and the world should be a strong, and not a temporary pause. ” 60 > according to her, the United States reminded the world that there is a common basis with which all the UN member states can agree: war is a tragedy, and that it should end. The diplomat expressed the hope that work in the direction of the world will continue. 60 > representatives of a number of European countries in their speeches reminded that on the same day, February 24, the General Assembly adopted two resolutions in which the commitment of the territorial integrity of Ukraine was noted, as well as other necessary necessary necessary The parameters of a future peaceful solution. ~ 60 > speaking, for example, on behalf of the Baltic and Benilyux countries, they expressed support to Ukraine and called for the world on the basis of the principles of the UN Charter. & nbsp; 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62


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